Page 178 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 178
government’s key directions for reform, and focused on f nding and improving tasks
that can alleviate inconveniences in people’s lives in the domain of defense. The
MND also contributed to vitalizing the drone industry by designating free zones
for drone filming and simplifying approval processes. Also, by expanding the test
location from Seoul only to locations across the nation when holding a written test
to recruit civilian military employees supervised by the MND, inconveniences and
economic burdens of the test takers living in provincial areas due to transportation
have been resolved.
The MND continues to discover and improve tasks that will guarantee public
conveniences and reduce social costs by simplifying the process of converting
military driver’s licenses into civilian licenses and easing regulations on military
installations protection zones.
Based on such measures, the MND is committed to discovering and carrying out
tasks that people are aware of and promoting regulatory improvements; for new
or reinforced regulations, the MND Regulatory Innovation Review Committee
is committed to strictly appraising the appropriateness of the regulations, thereby
contributing to the improvement of people’s benef ts.
Adjustment of Safety Distance The MND designates and implements the
from Ammunition Depots minimum safe distance from ammunition
depots as military installations protection
zones to protect the lives and property of the residents. However, the designation of
protection zones limits the residents’ exercise of their property rights and the
execution of local development projects, including restrictions on the construction or
expansion of buildings and public roads.
To address the restrictions on the local residents living near ammunition depots, the
MND is promoting modernization by replacing degraded ground-based ammunition
A committee established depots (31% of all depots nationwide) with underground-based and igloo-type
in accordance with the
Regulatory Task Operation ammunition depots as much as possible. In particular, under the recognition that
Directive to determine the
subject, scope, method, underground ammunition depots use the land most efficiently and improve the
etc. of a regulation and to
review its feasibility in case ammunition depot support capabilities, the MND will endeavor to ensure the safety
of newly establishing or
reinforcing administrative of the people and exercise of their property rights by promoting the construction of
regulations. It consists of
more than six but less than new underground ammunition depots considering various factors such as geological
15 internal members and
civilian members (legal, considerations in building new underground depots and actively reflecting these
regulatory reform experts,
etc.) factors into mid- to long-term policies.
2020 Defense White Paper