Page 177 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 177
opening military installations to the public is increasing. In response, the MND is
seeking ways to use military installations as resident-friendly spaces. In 2018, a
guideline that stipulates the basis for promotion and the specific operation methods
for opening military installations to civilians was enacted, and at the same time a
standard contract that will be applied when the management of open facilities is
entrusted to local governments was also prepared. In addition, through a complete
enumeration survey on military installations, 24 installations were determined as
possible open facilities by the MND, and 16 of them have been opened to the public
as of the end of 2020.
As a result, living conditions in areas that lack sports and welfare facilities have
been improved, easing the welfare infrastructure imbalance among regions and
allowing more eff cient use of national resources.
The MND will continue to stay active to discover more military installations
that can be opened to the public and contribute to the welfare of residents and the Chapter 5
foundation for co-existence between civilians and the military.
4. National Defense Regulatory Reforms
Regulatory Reforms In line with the "redesigning of regulations for 13)
in the Domain of Defense public welfare and innovation", which is one of A method of promoting
regulatory reforms
the tasks set by the ROK government, the MND that transferred the
responsibility for the
has made efforts to enhance the public’s awareness of regulatory reforms by proving of the need for
regulation; so that the
improving the regulatory reform method centered on discovering individual tasks. government proves the
necessity of maintaining
In 2019, the MND introduced the government liability system on proving the need the regulation, instead
of companies or people
for regulations , a new method of promoting regulatory reforms, and, from the proving the non-necessity
of regulations, and—
people’s perspective, reviewed once again the tasks that were deemed unacceptable if it is difficult to prove—
revises and updates the
among the task proposals submitted to the local governments or through the regulations.
Regulatory Reform Sinmungo (Open Voice System) after the inauguration of the 14)
It is to interpret and to
current administration. As a result, inconveniences in people’s lives were relieved, apply flexibly "what can be
such as easing access control in border areas and regulations on drone flight and done if not prohibited by
the law" when interpreting
filming in no-fly zones. Also, public officials’ awareness of regulatory reforms was laws and regulations.
The MND is promoting
raised by applying the active interpretation method of laws and regulations to such interpretation to
make quick response
support active administration activities, and the people’s rights and interests were to changes in the social
environment such as
enhanced by reflecting these initiatives when revising laws and regulations in the technological development
and to support active
defense domain. administration within
the scope that does not
In 2020, the MND supported regulatory reforms in new industries, one of the impede military operations.
Chapter 5. Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System