Page 165 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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as YouTube is expected to expand further as communication via online has increased
worldwide since the outbreak of COVID-19. In line with such changes in society, the
MND will expand its activities of promoting interactive public communication by
establishing a customized strategy for each policy consumer.
Enhancing Public Participation in The MND is innovating national defense
Policymaking Processes with the public under the goal of "re-
storing public status through participa-
tion and trust." In addition, to enhance the transparency and effectiveness of defense
policies through "participation and cooperation" which is a government innovation
strategy, the MND is offering more opportunities in public participation and
collecting their opinions in key policymaking processes.
To further improve the transparency and accountability of national defense policies,
the MND has been implementing the "Transparent Policy System", disclosing the Chapter 5
overview of policies with high public interest and major implementation details
to the public. In the past, projects subject to disclosure were unilaterally selected
by the MND; from 2018, however, the "Transparent Policy System with Public
Participation" where some projects are selected based on public participation was
introduced. With the implementation of the system, the MND fulfills the people’s
right to know and enhances the defense policymaking processes together with the
Moreover, the MND invites public participation every year to select and operate the
"People’s Participation Group in National Defense Information Disclosure"–which
contributes to the quality improvement of information disclosure by monitoring and
providing opinions on the information disclosed by the ministry. Public services are
also being improved by forming and operating the annual "People’s Design Group"
where the people and service designers participate in the making of defense policies
as policy users.
Developing Anti-Corruption and Integrity The MND is working toward
Measures Based on Civilian-Government strengthened anticorruption and
Partnership integrity measures aimed at im-
plementing dignified national
defense by expanding the people’s participation and monitoring of overall national
defense policies and their implementations, and building an anti-corruption system
based on civil-government partnership.
The MND has established and is operating an anti-corruption system where
Chapter 5. Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System