Page 164 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Battle Royale" following the existing "K-Weapon" video to enhance the public’s
understanding of military weapons systems and barracks culture, and continued to
communicate with the public.
In spite of the inf uence of online media, the MND has also continued to carry out
PR activities through broadcasting , which still has a high ripple effect, providing
an opportunity to advance towards a military trusted by the people. In April 2019,
a special exhibition was held related to the CMA titled "The Path to Peace through
Strong National Defense". More than 35,000 military officials and civilians visited
the exhibition, which ended with positive feedback such as "the exhibition consisted
of high-quality cultural content that was easy for the civilians to understand". In
particular, the MND’s advertisement "Strong Force that Creates Peace", which
reveals the power of the ROK Armed Forces, was also featured in the exhibition, and
won the Special Jury Prize at the 27th Advertising of the Year Award hosted by the
ROK Armed Forces:
Strong Force that Korea Advertising Society. Furthermore, a program titled "Those Who Cross the
Creates Peace
Line: Panmunjom Special" was also broadcast on MBC, which is one of the public
broadcasters of the ROK, to form public consensus on the CMA.
The "Thank you Soldiers" campaign is conducted every year to instill pride in
Launching of the
5th M-Friends
servicemembers and is promoted as one of the events that encourage communication
with the public. In particular, the MND hosted an online campaign dubbed
"Send Your Warmest Regards, The 1001 Challenge" to commemorate the 72nd
72nd Anniversary of anniversary of the ROK Armed Forces Day. The campaign was to encourage
ROK Armed Forces
Day Challenge servicemembers and citizens amid the pandemic by exchanging messages of support
and gratitude with each other.
"Military Medical System Moreover, in collaboration with "Daum Kakao", photos of public support activities
Reorganization" (SBS)
in June 2019, "Use of to overcome the pandemic–such as giving support for those placed under quarantine,
Mobile Phones After
Training" (KBS) in July carrying out prevention measures, and giving medical treatments–were posted
2019, "Documentary
Three Days: 72 Hours in on "Kakao Gallery", recording more than 500,000 views and embedding in the
the Korea Armed Forces
Nursing Academy" public the commitment of the ROK
(KBS) in April 2020,
"Special Documentary Armed Forces to protect the people.
Commemorating the 70th
Anniversary of the Korean In particular, this online exhibition of
War" in June 2020 (three showcasing the various COVID-19
terrestrial TVs), etc.
sites provided an opportunity to create
A public participation public consensus on government
campaign hosted to
celebrate the 72nd Armed activities in a situation where visiting
Forces Day wherein the
general public and the each region was difficult due to social
servicemembers post
messages of support and distancing and other limiting factors.
encouragement on the The 1001 Challenge - Letters to encourage the
Challenge website. servicemembers The influence of digital media such
2020 Defense White Paper