Page 69 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 69

North Korea            Date              South Korea
                                                               The ROK and the US hold the 51st SCM (at the MND)
                     Kim Yong-chol issues a statement urging the US to   November
                     cease the combined air exercise    14, 2019  UK, France, and Germany issue a joint statement
                                                               condemning the launch of ballistic missiles from North Korea
                     Chairman Kim attends the Air and Anti-Air Forces   November
                     Combat Flight Competition          16, 2019
                                                        November  The ROK and the US Defense Ministers postpone the
                                                        17, 2019  combined air exercise
                     Chairman Kim instructs a parachute infiltration drill for Air
                     and Anti-Air Forces
                     An adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kim Gye-
                     gwan issues a statement urging the withdrawal of hostile  November   President Trump urges 3rd US-North Korea summit
                     policies before the US-North Korea summit  18, 2019
                     *  “...if the United States do not wish to give up on
                     dialogue, they must make a decision to withdraw their
                     hostile policies that view us as an enemy first”
                     Kim Yong-chol issues a statement urging the withdrawal
                     of hostile policies prior to the US-North Korea summit
                     *  “...only after the threats are clearly removed will we   November
                     discuss the issue of denuclearization”  19, 2019
                     Ambassador Kim Myong-gil of the Ministry of Foreign
                     Affairs issues a statement before the US-North Korea
                     summit urging the withdrawal of hostile policies
                     Chairman Kim inspects the defense unit on Changrin   November
                     Island along the border            23, 2019
                     *  Orders coastal artillery to fire
                                                               The ROK government expresses condemnation and
                                                               urges the prevention of recurrence of the military
                                                        November   agreement violation for firing coastal artillery on Changrin
                                                        25, 2019
                                                               *  Delivers a written protest
                                                               JCS responds to North Korean short-range projectile
                     North Korea fires two short-range projectiles (Yonpo,   November   *  “...North Korea’s actions are non-conducive to the
                     South Hamgyong Province)           28, 2019  efforts made to alleviate tensions on the Korean
                     *  Chairman Kim instructs test firing of a super-large MRL  Peninsula. The ROK Armed Forces hereby express
                                                               strong condemnation and repeatedly urge North Korea
                                                               to immediately cease raising military tensions”
                     Rhee Tae-Sung, Vice Director in charge of the US at the
                     Ministry of Foreign Affairs, states that the deadline at the   President Trump mentions possible use of force
                     end of the year is imminent, urging the US to make a   December
                     decision                           3, 2019  *  “...we surely don't want to, but if military force is
                                                               necessary, we would definitely forge it”
                     *  “...the choice for Christmas present is entirely up to the
                     United States”
                                                               UNSC holds a closed-door meeting to discuss North
                                                               Korean missile launch
                     Chief of General Staff Park Jong-chon issues a   *  Six European Union countries—UK, France, Germany,
                                                               Belgium, Poland, and Estonia—issue a joint statement
                     statement                          December   Minister of National Defense Jeong Kyeong-doo:
                     *  “...if the United States use force, we will also act   4, 2019  “...tensions are rising as North Korea claims the 'new
                                                               path', and we are staying alert”
                                                               *  Remarks at the meeting of major commanders of the
                                                               entire army
                     The ROK and the US Presidents talk over the phone,   December   The ROK and the US Presidents talk over the phone,
                     “...consensus on maintaining denuclearization dialogue   7, 2019  “...consensus on maintaining denuclearization dialogue
                     momentum”                                 momentum”
                     Spokesperson of the Academy of National Defense   President Trump says, “If North Korea acts hostile, they
                     Science announces that an important test is in progress  December  will lose everything”
                     *  “...a very significant test is in progress at the West Sea   8, 2019  US Secretary of Defense says, “We are always open for
                     satellite launch site” (December 7, in the afternoon)  dialogue with North Korea”

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