Page 68 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 68

North Korea            Date               South Korea
                                               September  National Assembly passes resolution condemning North
                                               30, 2019  Korean nuclear advancement and missile provocation
            Senior North Korean diplomat Choi Sun-hee issues a
            statement, disclosing schedule for working-level   October 1,
            negotiations between the US and North Korea
            *  Preliminary contact (October 4), Working-level   2019
            negotiation (October 5)
                                                      The ROK government responds to North Korean missile
                                                      *  “...concerned over the launch of projectiles ahead of the
            Test fires Pukguksong-3 (SLBM) (Wonsan)  October 2,  working-level negotiations between North Korea and the
            *  Chairman Kim is absent           2019  United States...will put diplomatic efforts for the
                                                      successful holding of working-level negotiations,
                                                      complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and
                                                      establishment of permanent peace”
            Working-level negotiation between the US and North
            Korea (Stockholm)                  October 5,
            Ambassador Kim Myong-gil of the Ministry of Foreign   2019
            Affairs holds a press conference, announcing the
            breakdown of negotiations
            Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a statement
            condemning the US for the breakdown of negotiations  October 6,
            *  “...the fate of the dialogue depends on the attitude of   2019
            the United States, and the time limit ends late this year”
                                                      European Union (UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland,
                                               October 8,
                                                2019  and Estonia) issues a joint statement condemning the
                                                      launch of SLBM
            Chairman Kim visits Mt. Kumgang, issues remarks on   October
            demolishing ROK facilities in Mt. Kumgang  23, 2019
                                               October   The ROK government proposes a working-level meeting
                                               28, 2019  between the two Koreas regarding Mt. Kumgang
            North Korea refuses ROK’s proposal to hold a working-  October
            level meeting regarding Mt. Kumgang  29, 2019
            Chairman Kim delivers condolence for the death of   October
            President Moon’s mother (Panmunjom)  30, 2019
                                                      The ROK government responds to North Korean
            North Korea fires two short-range projectiles (Suncheon,   October   short-range missile launches
            South Pyongan Province)            31, 2019  *  “ strong concern over North Korea firing
            *  Chairman Kim instructs test firing of a super-large MRL  short-range projectiles”
                                                      The ROK Navy captures a fishing boat from North Korea
                                               November   (2 people aboard) (East Sea)
                                               2, 2019
                                                      *  Repatriated to North Korea on November 2 (2 persons)
                                                      US Department of Defense (DoD) announces that a
                                               November   ROK–US combined air exercise will be carried out in
                                               4, 2019
                                                      The ROK government proposes a visit to North Korea by
                                               November   the facility inspection team related to Mt. Kumgang
                                               5, 2019
                                                      *  No response from North Korea
            Ambassador Kwon Jong-gun of the Ministry of Foreign
            Affairs issues a statement condemning the
            announcement of the resumption of a combined air   November  US DoD announces that the exercise will be carried out
            exercise                           6, 2019  regardless of the condemnation
            *  “...a declaration to confront us, a damp cast over
            Spokesperson of the State Affairs Commission issues a
            statement condemning the combined air exercise  November  US Secretary of Defense says "military exercise may be
            *  “...we will contemplate over how the 'new path' will   13, 2019  adjusted to improve dialogue"
            affect the future of the United States”

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