Page 22 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 22

< Analysis on the Effects of Changes in the Command Conditions Before and After the Pilot Use of
             Mobile Phones (1)>
                                                                      April 2019  February 2020
                                         . %P                . %P
                       21. %P                                                 . %P

                  Communication between   Report of unreasonable   Unity of units  Maintenance of combat force
                 servicemembers and cadres  behaviors
            ⁙ Source: Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), Survey target and period: the enlisted / February 2020

            | Changes in Barracks Life |  The use of mobile
            phones invigorates self-development activities,
            such as getting enrolled in Internet lectures and
            obtaining real-time information, and communi-
            cation with the outside world. This relieves
            feelings of depression, isolation and stress and
            leads to psychological stability and even helps
            servicemembers to develop personal relation-  Use of mobile phones after work (Army)
            ships, resulting in the facilitation of service-
            members adjusting to military service. Mobile phones are expected to contribute to the establishment of
            a military culture based on autonomy and responsibility in the long run.

            < Analysis on the Effects of Changes in the Command Conditions Before and After the Pilot Use of
             Mobile Phones (2)>
                                                                      April 2019  February 2020

                                                    . %P
                           13. %P                                          . %P

                       Self-development  Communication with the outside world  Satisfaction with military life
            ⁙ Source: Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), Survey target and period: the enlisted / February 2020

               2020 Defense White Paper
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