Page 448 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 448

Northern Limit Line (NLL)  27, 68, 108, 305, 310, 321, 396,   reserve forces training centers  128, 129
                                               404  Reserve Noncommissioned            103, 104
        nuclear and WMD response               58  Officers’ Training Corps (RNTC)
        system                                     Rim of the Pacific Exercise            108
        Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty   234, 363, 416  (RIMPAC)
        (NPT)                                      ROK Air Force Space Operations          94
        Nuclear Posture Review (NPR)           74  Unit
                                                   ROK prisoners of war (POW)       315, 316, 317
                                                                        18, 73, 74, 75, 95, 202, 203, 209,
        O                                          ROK–US Security Consultative   211, 212, 214, 238, 385, 391, 395,
                                                   Meeting (SCM)
                                                                        398, 400, 403, 406, 408, 409, 441
        Organization for the Prohibition of   79, 417
        Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
                                                   Safe Korea Exercise                78, 86, 87
        Panmunjom Declaration  26, 46, 304, 305, 306, 309, 310,   Satellite Surveillance Control Unit  94
                            312, 313, 320, 361, 367, 388, 395,   scientific security systems  68, 323
                                            396, 403
                                                   SCMs                  18, 73, 74, 75, 95, 96, 202, 203,
        peace process on the Korean      232, 233, 304                 205, 209, 211, 212, 214, 238, 385,
        Peninsula                                                                         391
        peacetime service program for       124, 130  self-development subsidies           56
        reserve forces                             Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD)  13, 85, 219, 221, 231
        performance-based logistics            72  Seoul International Aerospace &   85, 186, 220, 224
        (PBL)                                      Defense Exhibition (ADEX)
        PKO                  21, 221, 222, 233, 241, 252, 253,   sincere performance recognition   135
                                      254, 255, 399, 407  program
        PKO Centers                            254  smart ammunition                      143
        plutonium                        35, 362, 363  smart defense innovation     4, 54, 57, 138
        Presidential Truth Commission on       287  social media                       161, 337
        Deaths in the Military                     SOFA                       206, 207, 400, 408, 413
        professional counselor in barracks     267  Soldiers Tomorrow Ready
        Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)  237, 399, 408, 418  Savings               96
        Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)   237  space situational awareness (SSA)  21, 95, 398, 407
        exercise                                   Special Measures Agreement       207, 400, 408
        Pyongyang Joint Declaration  26, 304, 305, 306, 312, 320, 361,   (SMA)
                                            395, 396  standing unit for overseas          255
        R                                          Stockholm Agreement                     28
                                                   submarine-launched ballistic         17, 33
        rapid pilot acquisition program        181  missiles (SLBMs)
        reconnaissance unmanned aerial   66, 67, 122, 131, 134
        vehicles (UAV)
        Regional Consultative Group            93
        (RCG) on Humanitarian Civil–               TPFDD                                   66
        Military Coordination for Asia and
        the Pacific
        reserve forces        37, 56, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130,
                            192, 194, 335, 346, 358, 424, 426,   Ulchi Taegeuk Exercise  71, 86, 112, 380, 394
                                      428, 434, 436, 438
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