Page 443 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 443

Major Activities of the National Defense Committee of the National Assembly
                     (January 2019 - December 2020)

                         Session       Date                        Main Contents
                                                  The 20th National Assembly
                                                •  Received progress reports (under MND, MMA, and DAPA jurisdictions)
                                                •  Introduced the Inspection and Investigation of State Administration Report for 2018
                                                •  Introduced 50 legislative bills including the Military Service Act
                                    March 18, 2019  •  Passed resolution for the continued development of the ROK–US Alliance
                     367th Extraordinary         commemorating the 50th anniversary of SCM and resolution urging the Japanese
                     Session                     military to issue an apology for posing a threat with maritime patrol aircraft and
                     (March 7 - April 5,         cease any further recurrence
                                                •  Adopted the Inspection and Investigation of State Administration Report for 2018
                                                •  Adopted the subcommittee’s activity report for the improvement of the special
                                    March 28, 2019
                                                 military service system
                                                •  Passed 30 legislative bills including the Military Personnel Management Act
                     369th Extraordinary        •  Received major pending issue reports (under MND, MMA, and DAPA
                     Session         July 3, 2019  jurisdictions)
                     (June 20 - July 19,        •  Introduced 49 legislative bills including the Act on the Organization of National
                     2019)                       Armed Forces
                                                •  Received status report on MND affairs (regarding North Korean missile launch,
                                                 North Korean small wooden ship situation, and Russian military aircraft invasion
                                    August 5, 2019  of airspace)
                                                •  Passed resolution condemning the nuclear advancement and missile provocation
                     370th Extraordinary         of North Korea and demanding the cessation of any further recurrence
                     (July 29 - August 27,      •  Introduced proposed settlement of accounts for the 2018 fiscal year
                     2019)                      •  Received progress report on the demand for modification related to the
                                                 inspection and investigation of state administration in 2018 and on the settlement
                                    August 21, 2019
                                                 of accounts for the 2017 fiscal year
                                                •  Passed 31 legislative bills including the Special Act on Investigating the Truth of
                                                 the May 18 Democratization Movement
                                   September 4, 2019 • Passed proposed settlement of accounts for the 2018 fiscal year
                                    September 19,   •  Public hearing on the legislative bill for alternative service program for
                                       2019      conscientious military service objectors
                                                •  Adopted the Inspection and Investigation of State Administration Plan for 2019
                                    September 24,
                                       2019     •  Passed 14 legislative bills including the Military Pension Act
                                                •  Introduced 25 legislative bills including the National Defense Reform Act
                     371st Regular Session  October 2 - 26,   •  Conducted the inspection and investigation of state administration for 2019
                     (September 2 -    2019
                     December 10, 2019)  November 4, 2019 •  Introduced the 2020 budget bill
                                                •  Passed the 2020 budget bill
                                                •  Introduced 6 legislative bills including the Military Secret Protection Act
                                   November 7, 2019
                                                •  Introduced a motion to extend the dispatch to the waters of the Gulf of Aden and
                                                 a motion to extend the dispatch to support the UAE forces
                                                •  Passed the motion to extend the dispatch to the waters of the Gulf of Aden and
                                     November 19,   the motion to extend the dispatch to support the UAE forces
                                                •  Passed 27 legislative bills including the Military Secret Protection Act
                     376th Extraordinary        •  Major pending issue report (under the MND, MMA, and DAPA jurisdictions)
                     Session                    •  Introduced 27 legislative bills including the Defense Technology Security Act
                     (February 17 - March   February 24, 2020  •  Passed one revised bill for the Military Service Act
                     17, 2020)                  •  Passed resolution urging the enactment of the Defense Industry Day
                     377th Extraordinary        •  Introduced 6 legislative bills including the Special Act for the Support of Korean
                     Session         April 29, 2020  Workers in the United States Forces Korea
                     (April 16 - May 15,        •  Passed the Special Act for the Support of Korean Workers in the United States
                     2020)                       Forces Korea

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