Page 37 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 37

[Chart 1-7] Key Aircraft and Surface-To-Air Missiles of the North Korean Air Force      Chapter 1

                                           Transport Aircraft   Helicopters
                 Fighter Aircraft  Surveillance Aircraft  (including AN-2s)  (including Naval   Surface-To-Air
                  Approx. 810   Approx. 30                              Missiles
                                            Approx. 350  Force’s) Approx. 290

               Strategic Force    It is estimated that North Korea has organized 13 missile
                                  brigades that operate Scud, Nodong, and Musudan rockets
               under the Strategic Force which is a separate military command. It is likely to
               perform functions similar to those of China’s Rocket Force and Russia’s Strategic
               Missile Troops.
                 To enhance its strategic attack capabilities, North Korea has continuously
               developed nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and chemical and biological weapons.
               Since activating the 5MWe reactor located in the Yongbyon nuclear complex in
               the 1980s, it is assessed that North Korea possesses around 50kg of weapon-grade
               plutonium obtained by reprocessing spent fuel rods. It is also believed to possess
               a substantial amount of highly enriched uranium (HEU) through its uranium
               enrichment program. Considering that a total of six nuclear tests have been
               conducted between October 2006 and September 2017, it is assessed that its ability to
               miniaturize nuclear weapons has reached a significant level.
                 After beginning ballistic missile developments in the 1970s, North Korea
               produced and field deployed Scud-B and Scud-C with ranges of 300km and 500km,

               respectively, in the mid-1980s. In the late 1990s, North Korea field deployed the
               Nodong missile with a range of 1,300km and, later, the Scud-ER, which is a scud
               missiles with extended range. In 2007, North Korea field deployed the Musudan
               missile with a range of over 3,000km. Through these successive additions to its
               missile inventory, North Korea has gained direct strike capabilities against the ROK
               and the surrounding countries of the Korean Peninsula.
                 Since 2012, North Korea has conducted in earnest test launches of missiles that
               have been field deployed or are under development. In 2017, Pyongyang fired
               Hwasong-12 missiles into the North Pacific Ocean, and test-fired Hwasong-14 and
               Hwasong-15, which are capable of posing threats to the US mainland. However
               further confirmation is required as North Korea hasn’t conducted actual range test
               launches to verify whether it has acquired the atmosphere reentry technology. No
               missile test was conducted in 2018. Since 2019, however, North Korea test-launched a
               number of solid-fuel short-range ballistic missiles which have operational advantages

                                                          Chapter 1.  Changes and Challenges in the Security Environment    35
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