Page 32 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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on solid fuel; in particular, it is operating a 6,800-strong unit of cyber-warfare
                            specialists and is working to enhance cyber capabilities by continuing R&D on latest
                             During contingencies, North Korean forces is highly likely to resort to guerilla
                            attacks that mainly employ asymmetric capabilities to shape favorable conditions and
                            end the war as soon as possible. In July 2019, Chairman Kim mentioned the "Party’s
                            military strategic plan" during his visit to the construction site of a new submarine
                            and once again emphasized the "Artillery Force Reinforcement Guideline" proposed
                            at the 4th Artillery Competition in 2020. Therefore, there is a possibility of a shift
                            in its military strategy considering external strategic environmental changes and
                            internal conditions such as economic difficulties.

                            Military Command Structure   Chairman Kim wields full command and
                                                         control over the North Korean military as he
                            concurrently serves as the Supreme Commander of the KPA and the Chairman of
                            the party’s Central Military Commission.
                             The State Affairs Commission, as the supreme policy decision-making agency in
                            North Korea, carries out decision-making activities on key policies such as the national
                            defense force build up project. The Supreme Commander of the KPA has under his
                            command the General Political Bureau, the General Staff Department, the Ministry
                            of National Defense, the Military Security Bureau, and the Guard Command. The
                            General Political Bureau supervises party organs within the military and is responsible
                            for matters related to political ideology. The General Staff Department has the

                            command authority over military operations, and operates five military types-KPA
                            Ground Force, KPA Special Operation Force, KPA Naval Force, KPA Air and Anti-
                            Air Force, and KPA Strategic Force. The Ministry of National Defense  represents
                            the North Korean military externally and exercises military administrative authority
                            including military diplomacy, logistics, and finance. The Military Security Bureau is
                            in charge of investigation, pretrial, and execution of all military criminal activities in
                            the military, while the Guard Command is responsible for suppressing dissident coups
                            against the regime, protecting the personal safety of the supreme leader and his family
                            members, and guarding and managing the residence.
                             The Central Military Commission, pursuant to the Charter of the Korean Workers
                            Party, deliberates and decides upon measures necessary for implementing the party’s
        The Ministry of People’s   military policy and guidelines, and provides guidance in overall defense affairs at the
        Armed Forces has been
        renamed the Ministry   party level. The military command structure of North Korea is visualized in [Chart
        of National Defense in
        October 2020.       1-2] below.

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