Page 256 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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PKO Center is in charge of providing pre-deployment education to key cadres of
                            deployed units and individually deployed personnel. It has been advancing the PKO
                            education system through exchanges and cooperation with the UN’s Department of
                            Peace Operations (DPO), the UN Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
                            PKO centers of other countries, the Korea National Policy University UNPKO
                            training programs, and other relevant organizations at home and abroad. When the
                            deployed units or individually deployed personnel complete their missions, the PKO
                            Center publishes and distributes the units’ booklet on the outcomes of the
                            deployment and the individual agents’ mission reports to relevant offices. In
                            November 2013, the PKO Center received an education certificate for its UN Staff
                            Course from the UN DPO, and was re-certified in November 2018. The center is
                            currently pursuing to have the UN Observer Course certified by the UN.

                            [Chart 6-13] Number of Personnel Trained in the PKO Center
                                                                                       (As of 2020)
                                                   Multinational Forces’ Peace   Defense Exchanges and
                               Total     UN PKO
                                                         Operations        Cooperation Activities
                               1,657  1,066 in 8 courses  38 in 5 courses    553 in 2 courses

                             The PKO Center has been gradually expanding its functions and roles to
                            systematically support research, education, and training for peacekeeping operations.
                            In 2017, the PKO Center carried out training for instructors which was attended by
                            the UN and 12 countries in collaboration with the UN̕s Integrated Training Service

                            (ITS). In May 2018, the center hosted the annual conference of the Association of
                            Asia-Pacific Peacekeeping Training Center (AAPTC).  In November 2019, the
                            PKO Center supported the MND-hosted UN Senior Mission Leaders’ Course and
                            contributed to the success of the course. By offering the course–which is a core
                            UN education program for cultivating candidates for high-ranking UN positions–
        76)                 for the first time, it is expected to diversify the ROK’s contribution to peacekeeping
        The annual conference of
        the AAPTC was launched   operations and help ROK officers advance to high-ranking positions in the UN.
        in 2010, and in the 9th
        conference held in the   Furthermore, in accordance with the ROK’s pledge to hold UN’s education programs
        ROK in 2018, the chief of
        staff of the UN Department   in the ROK from 2020 to 2024 made at the 3rd Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference
        of Peacekeeping
        Operation and around 70   in 2019, the PKO Center plans to offer UN’s PKO courses once a year and will be
        representatives from 20
        member states participated   reviewing various factors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to decide when and
        and discussed the direction
        of PKO development.  how the courses will be offered.

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