Page 219 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Ministerial Meeting in 2009. Following the ROK–Japan Defense Ministerial Meeting
               in 2015, the two countries’ Defense Ministers have continuously convened bilateral
               talks during multilateral conferences such as the Asia Security Summit (ASS). The
               Defense Ministers held bilateral talks during the ADMM-Plus in November 2019 as
               well, and agreed to continue to enhance their defense exchanges and cooperation in a
               future-oriented manner.
                 However, the defense relationship between the two countries experienced
               difficulties due to the distorted perception of history and claims of sovereignty over
               Dokdo Island by some Japanese political leaders, as well as a Japanese patrol aircraft
               conducting a threatening flyby close to a ROK vessel that was carrying out rescue
               operations in December 2018 and the unilateral press release  by Japan containing
               misleading facts about the situation. And the export control measures against the
               ROK in July 2019 under the pretext of security concerns is a barrier to the future-
               oriented development of the defense relationship between the two countries.
                 Following Japan’s action, on August 23, 2019, the ROK government decided to
               terminate the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA),
               which was signed for the purpose of exchanging sensitive military information for       Chapter 6
               security reasons, and notified Japan of the termination. On November 22, 2019,
               however, the ROK government, as a means to resolve the situation, suspended the
               termination under the premise that the effect of the GSOMIA could be suspended
               at any given time. With the suspension of termination still in place, the ROK is
               demanding Japan’s change of attitude.
                 The ROK will, when it comes to common security issues, continue to cooperate

               with Japan for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia
               while firmly and strictly responding to Japan’s distortion of history, unjust claims
               over Dokdo Island, and unilateral and arbitrary actions on pending issues.  20)
                                                                                     Japan claimed that its
                                                                                     patrol aircraft’s threatening
                                                                                     low-altitude flying over the
               Defense Exchanges             Russia is a key partner in the ROK govern-  ROK rescue vessels was a
               and Cooperation with Russia   ment’s New Northern Policy . The ROK and   normal and announced the
                                                                                     completion of a unilateral
                                             Russia have continued to develop their strate-  investigation without fact-
                                                                                     checking although the ROK
               gic communication and mutual cooperation so that Russia will play a constructive   made numerous accounts
                                                                                     that the ROK destroyer did
               role in the denuclearization and establishment of a peace regime on the Korean   not illuminate the tracking
               Peninsula, including the ROK President’s visit to Russia after 19 years in June 2018
               and holding of five summits since 2017.                               A policy to promote
                                                                                     common prosperity and
                 In the field of defense, communication between military authorities is being   peace in Eurasia, including
                                                                                     the Korean Peninsula,
               reinforced through various consultation channels such as the JCS chief director-level   by strengthening the
                                                                                     connection with the
               meeting, joint military committee, and consultative bodies for each service in 2019.   Eurasian region

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation    217
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