Page 215 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 215

The two countries will continue to develop strategic documents in a way that
               further strengthens the ROK–US alliance and the combined defense system, while
               the strategic documents will continue to be refined through combined certification
               assessment until they are finalized at the time of wartime OPCON transition.

               Acquiring Capabilities to Lead  In conjunction with Defense Reform 2.0, the
               Combined Defense               ROK Armed Forces is making systematic
                                              efforts for the early acquisition of military
               capabilities needed to lead the combined defense and the alliance̕s comprehensive
               response capabilities against North Koreas nuclear and missile threats. In particular,
               the MND allocated approximately KRW 300 trillion for the 2021-2025 Defense
               Midterm Plan and endeavors to reflect all the requirements for the buildup of key
               military forces for wartime OPCON transition by continuously increasing the
               portion of the national budget earmarked for improving defense capabilities.
                 The ROK and the US meticulously review the assessment results of the conditions
               for the wartime OPCON transition by holding a special Permanent Military
               Committee (sPMC)  every year in order to improve the credibility of the assessment      Chapter 6
               of conditions for wartime OPCON transition. In particular, the sPMC was convened
               five times in 2019 where the two countries affirmed the ROK critical military
               capabilities, and in 2020, the two sides mainly assessed the alliance’s comprehensive
               response capabilities against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats. As such, the
               ROK and US will carry on with their efforts to pursue wartime OPCON transition
               in a stable manner and take the initiative in responding to omnidirectional security

               threats by acquiring, at an early stage, the military capabilities necessary for leading
               the combined defense and the response capabilities against North Korea’s nuclear
               and missile threats.

               ROK–US Combined            The ROK and the US have been assessing and
               Certification Assessment   refining F-CFC’s mission execution capabilities
                                          through the three-stage process of combined
               certification assessment. In order to enhance the objectivity and fairness of the
               results, the two countries formed a combined assessment group to conduct an
               evaluation based on the same criteria.                                18)
                                                                                     A four-star level military
                 In 2019, the ROK and the US successfully implemented the IOC certification   committee between the
                                                                                     ROK JCS Chairman and
               assessment (stage 1) through systematic preparations. To conduct a IOC certification   the Senior US Military
                                                                                     Officer Assigned To Korea
               assessment, the two countries enhanced the ROK–US Combined Certification   (SUSMOAK) to evaluate
                                                                                     the OPCON transition
               Group’s capacity to assess by conducting a rehearsal during Dong Maeng exercise   conditions

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation    213
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