Page 200 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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execution-focused, as military executive agencies.
                             In the Military Executive Agency System, agency heads are hired through open
                            recruitment procedures within and without the military; are given autonomy in
                            organization, personnel affairs, and finance, and; are held responsible for the
                            management and performance of their agencies. Pilot operation of several military
                            executive agencies began in 2009, and the number has continuously grown. As
                            of 2020, 16 military executive agencies are operated in the areas of maintenance,
                            supply, medical care, printing, and intelligence. The status of military executive
                            agencies is shown in [Chart 5-14].

                            [Chart 5-14] Military Executive Agencies (16 Agencies)

                               Year   Total  Under the Control of the
                            Designated           MND (6)        Army (2)  Navy (5)  Air Force (3)
                                            Korea Armed Forces Printing
                                              & Publishing Depot         Naval Supply
                               2009     3
                                              Armed Forces Capital         Depot
                                                                                   83rd Information
                                             Armed Forces Daejeon        Naval Repair   & Communication
                               2011     3
                                                  Hospital                Depot One  Maintenance
                                                                                     82nd Aero
                                            The Armed Forces Medical     Naval Repair
                               2012     3                                           Maintenance
                                               Research Institute         Depot Two
                                                                 Army                Air Force
                                                              Consolidated   Naval Repair
                               2013     3                                           Consolidated
                                                               Maintenance   Depot Three  Supply Depot
                                            Korea Joint Interoperability
                               2014     3     Test Center Defense        Naval Shipyard
                                             Integrated Data Center
                               2017     1                     Consolidated
                                                              Supply Depot

                             Organizations designated as military executive agencies are continuously
                            generating tangible results including increased productivity and improved service
                            quality. The error printing rate of the Korea Armed Forces Printing & Publishing
                            Depot reached 2.03% before being designated as a military executive agency but
                            dropped to 0.23% after the designation. The Army Consolidated Maintenance Depot
                            strengthened its maintenance capacity by converting 545 outsourced items into self-
                            maintenance items. In addition, the Armed Forces Capital Hospital was certified
                            as a general hospital in 2015 after its efficiency in operation and securing excellent
                            medical personnel was verified; the MND continues to exert efforts to improve

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