Page 198 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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essential forces of each battlefield function for military structure reorganization, 230
                            mm-class MRLs, wheeled armored vehicles, next-generation Aegis destroyers, KF-
                            X, and amphibious helicopters will be procured to enhance the ROK Armed Forces’
                            ground, naval, and air operations capabilities qualitatively and quantitatively.
                             Third, KRW 1.9 trillion is allocated to improve the ROK Armed Forces’ capabilities
                            in carrying out anti-terrorism operations, providing disaster relief, and protecting
                            overseas nationals, and to respond to transnational and nonmilitary threats such as
                            the COVID-19 pandemic. In the field of counter-terrorism, the MND will procure
                            customized equipment and articles–such as folding guns, explosive detecting and
                            eliminating robots, new CBRN reconnaissance vehicles, and dry decontamination
                            apparatus–to reinforce the special strike and night surveillance capabilities of the
                            ROK Armed Forces and guarantee the mission execution capabilities of anti-terrorism
                            units and counter-CBRN units according to the designation of responsible units for
                            each city and province. The MND will also strengthen the ability to carry out relief
                            activities and to protect overseas nationals in the event of a disaster by deploying
                            medevac helicopters and amphibious assault ships.
                             Lastly, KRW 24.8 trillion is allocated to carry out defense R&D and invigorate
                            the defense industry. The MND plans to increase the share of defense R&D in
                            the mid-term defense budget to 8.3%. Especially, the investment will mainly take
                            place in the early stages of the mid-term to acquire new technologies of the Fourth
                            Industrial Revolution in the defense domain. Heavy investment will be made in basic
                            research and core technology development centered on 8 areas of defense strategic
                            technology–such as autonomous technologies and AI–including restructuring of

                            R&D institutions and reinforcement of infrastructure to ensure that creative R&D
                            reinforcement projects are carried out.

                            4. Efficient Defense Management

                            Implementing Defense    Since 2013, the MND has been operating the "De-
                            Fiscal Reform           fense Management Efficiency Inspection Com-
                                                    mittee" presided by the Vice Minister of National
                            Defense and joined by civilian experts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of
                            defense operations. The committee is the first group to conduct preliminary
                            feasibility studies and in-depth evaluations of force operation projects, and promoted
                            tasks related to logistics innovation including procurement, replacement parts, and
                            distribution utilizing civilian expert groups.

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