Page 176 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 176

Signing of work agreement for shared development (December 2019)

                             In the process of reorganizing the
                            units, the reduction of units and troops
                            is likely to affect the local economy
                            in border areas such as Gangwondo
                            Province, where the military accounts
                            for a large portion of the local popu-
                            lation and economy. Recognizing that
                            the border areas have a close relation-  Shared Development Council in Gangwon-do
                            ship with the ROK Armed Forces and   Border Area (January 2020)
                            that they have shared sacrifices with the military in the field of national security, a
                            meeting was held in 2019 with the Minister of National Defense together with the
                            heads of local governments of each metropolitan area to seek ways for cooperation
                            on co-existence with the residents in the border areas.
                             To strengthen cooperation with the Gangwon-do border areas (Goseong, Yanggu,

                            Inje, Cheorwon, and Hwacheon), which are suffering relatively harsher difficulties
                            due to the reduction of troops and units, a cooperation agreement on shared
                            development was made with the Minister of National Defense, the governor of
                            Gangwon-do Province, and heads of the five counties (gun) in the border areas. The
                            MND also organized the 1st Director General-level Shared Development Council
                            to resolve practical issues. Along with such efforts, the MND plans to expand and
                            regularize the Director General-level Shared Development Council to Gyeonggi-do
                            Province and Incheon to continue with its productive efforts for cooperation on co-
                            existence in the future. These efforts are expected to lay the foundation for the stable
                            implementation of Defense Reform 2.0 and the vitalization of regional economy in
                            the border areas.

                            Promoting Shared Use of   Due to the lack of public sports and welfare fa-
                            Military Installations    cilities in the local communities, the demand for

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