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grant to better compensate officers and NCOs intending to serve a short term. The
                            MND is also providing benefits such as grants for additional military service . The
                            grant is given in the form of tuitions to university and vocational college students
                            hoping to serve for a medium term so that they have the opportunity to receive higher
                            education in connection with military service as a cadre. With these measures, the
                            ROK Armed Forces will gain stable access to outstanding mid- and short-term service
                            officers in preparation for a situation wherein it becomes difficult to acquire manpower.

                            Fostering Creative Military Specialists  The MND offers two programs–
                                                                 Specialized Degree Education and
                            Overseas Military Education–to foster creative military specialists capable of
                            actively responding to the changes in future battlefield environments, such as
                            changes brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and leading innovations in the
                            defense field.
                             Specialized Degree Education is aimed at fostering military professors,
                            researchers, and experts in special technology fields. Outstanding domestic and
                            international educational institutions offer master’s and doctoral degree programs,
                            and around 300 trainees are selected as candidates every year for programs mainly
                            in advanced science and technology fields, including AI and robotics–the leading
                            technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and for smart defense.
                             Overseas Military Education is aimed at fostering regional experts and training
                            students to acquire advanced military knowledge, operate weapons systems, and
                            master combat techniques. Around 320 candidates are sent every year to study in

                            various types of educational institutions including defense graduate schools, command
                            and general staff colleges, and military occupation schools in some 40 countries. To
                            foster expert personnel in preparation for the wartime OPCON transition and regional
                            experts to support the military domain of the New Southern and New Northern
                            policies, Overseas Military Education destinations are diversifying to include countries
                            in Southeast Asia, Eurasia, Middle East, South America, and Africa.

        A grant given to university   2. Development of the School Education System
        and technical college
        students under the
        condition that they serve
        an additional period, in   Objectives  The MND and each military services are enhancing the school
        addition to their mandatory
        service period, when              education system with a focus on improving development
        appointed as officers or
        NCOs. The amount of the   training and education to foster elite servicemembers and refresher training to
        grant is similar to college
        and university tuitions.  meet the demands in the battlefield. The lecture-based education method has been

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