Page 41 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 41

€ Annex 3 
                  Pilot Inter-Korean Joint Remains Recovery

                                      Project within DMZ

               1. Designation of Joint Remains Recovery Site and minesweeping
                 ˝ Site designation for joint recovery of remains

                     - The site for the pilot joint remains recovery project will be set in between MDL Markers No. 0489
                      and 0497 in Cheolwon, Gangwon Province, setting the MDL as the standard.
                      The end coordinates for the site will be as follows:

                      Ÿ  North: a) N 38° 1735EL 127° 0522
                                    b) N 38° 1823EL 127° 0652

                      Ÿ  South: a) N 38° 1638EL 127° 0604
                                    b) N 38° 1726EL 127° 0733
                     - All guard posts and obstacles within the joint remains recovery site will be withdrawn.
                 ˞ Minesweeping

                     - All mines and explosives within the site for the pilot joint remains recovery project will be completely
                      removed between October 1 and November 30, 2018.
                     - The two sides will each carry out minesweeping operations from each end of the DMZ and work in
                      the direction of the MDL.
                     - The two sides will conduct minesweeping operations for 4 hours each day from 1000 to 1200 hours
                      and from 1500 to 1700 hours. The hours may be reduced or extended according to circumstance.
                     - The two sides will install markers around the border of the mine-cleared area within the site
                      designated for pilot joint remains recovery project and notify the other side accordingly.
                     - The use of the equipment and material necessary for minesweeping will be mutually coordinated.
                     - Any remains that are recovered during minesweeping operations will be exhumed and be jointly
                      identified, consulted and processed.

               2. Establishment of an inter-Korean road within the joint remains recovery site

                 ˝ A 12m-wide road will be constructed between the two sides within the pilot joint remains recovery site
                    in order to facilitate seamless progress in the joint efforts to recover the remains within the DMZ.

                 ˞ The road will be constructed after minesweeping from each end of the DMZ towards the MDL. The road
                    will be connected along the MDL.

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