Page 39 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 39
Annex 2
Demilitarization of the
‘Joint Security Area in Panmunjom’
1. As a first step, a trilateral consultative body composed of the South, the North and the United
Nations Command (UNC) will be established to consult and implement measures to demilitarize
the Joint Security Area in Panmunjom.
˝ The South, the North and the UNC (hereafter referred to as “The three parties”) will remove all mines in
the Joint Security Area in Panmunjom within 20 days, beginning on October 1, 2018.
˞ The three parties will completely withdraw guard posts, personnel and firearms within 5 days after the
minesweeping is completed in the Joint Security Area in Panmunjom.
˟ The three parties will withdraw unnecessary surveillance equipment from the Joint Security Area in
Panmunjom, install any additional surveillance equipment necessary through consultations, and share
related information with one another.
ˠ The three parties will jointly verify the completion of the measures to demilitarize the Joint Security Area
in Panmunjom over 2 days.
ˡ The three parties will consult and decide on all matters such as the composition, mission and operation
method of the Joint Administrative Body that will be established after the demilitarization of the Joint
Security Area in Panmunjom.
2. The Joint Security Area in Panmunjom will be managed after demilitarization in the following way:
˝ Guard duty personnel and installment of the guard posts
- Guard duty will be carried out by up to 35 unarmed personnel from each side.
- The shift work of the personnel and matters related to patrol will be decided by each side unilaterally
and notified to the other party.
- Guard duty personnel from both sides will wear a 15cm wide yellow armband with the words
“Panmunjom Civil Police” written in blue on his/her left arm.
- A new Southern guard post will be installed at one end of the ‘Panmunjom Bridge’ in Northern
Panmunjom; A new Northern guard post will be installed in the area near the entry check point of
Southern Panmunjom. Personnel of the two sides will be on duty in close proximity of each other.
Appendix 341