Page 33 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 33
Appendix 7
Key Denuclearization Agreements
regarding the North Korean Nuclear Issue
Agreement Main Contents (summary)
Agreed to cooperate in replacing graphite-moderated reactors with light-water reactors
˝ Geneva Agreed Agreed to work toward the complete normalization of political and economic relationship between
Framework North Korea and the United States
(October 21, 1994) Agreed to cooperate for the peace and security on the denuclearized Korean Peninsula
Agreed to cooperate for the consolidation of the non-proliferation regime
Reaffirmed verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
˞ September 19 Joint
Pledged to promote economic cooperation in energy, trading, and investment
Pledged to take joint efforts for the permanent peace and stability in Northeast Asia
(September 19, 2005)
Agreed on phased implementation of the agreement
Agreed on the closure and sealing of nuclear facilities in North Korea, the return of IAEA inspectors to
North Korea, and the preparation of a list of all nuclear programs
˟ February 13 Agreement Began a bilateral talk for normalization of the North Korea–U.S. and North Korea–Japan relationships
(February 13, 2007) Agreed to provide economic, energy, and humanitarian aid to North Korea
Agreed to convene a separate forum with directly concerned parties to negotiate a peace regime for
the Korean Peninsula
Agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities and to declare all nuclear programs in complete and
accurate manner
ˠ October 3 Agreement
Reaffirmed the North Korea’s pledge not to transfer nuclear materials, technologies, or knowledge
(October 3, 2007)
Agreed to provide economic energy and humanitarian aid to North Korea corresponding to 1 million
tons of crude oil
North Korea agreed to take preliminary measures for denuclearization
The United States agreed to provide 240,000 tons of nutrition aid
ˡ February 29 Agreement
The United States confirmed that it does not have any hostile intention towards North Korea
(February 29, 2012)
Agreed to improve North Korea–U.S. relationship and expand civilian exchanges in culture, education,
and sports
Mutual prosperity and self-reliable unification
ˢ Panmunjom Declaration Mitigation of military tension
(April 27, 2018) Construction of a permanent and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula
Achieve a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete denuclearization
Agreed to establish a new North Korea–U.S. relationship
ˣ North Korea–U.S. Agreed to make joint efforts to build a permanent and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula
Joint Statement North Korea reaffirmed the Panmunjom Declaration and agreed to take efforts for the complete
(June 12, 2018) denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
Agreed to recover the remains of POWs and MIAs and repatriate the identified remains
ˤ Pyongyang Joint Agreed to cease military hostility and expand exchanges and cooperation
Declaration Agreed to dismantle the Dongchang-ri missile engine test site and launch platform
(September 19, 2018) Agreed to dismantle the nuclear facilities in Yongbyon as the United States takes reciprocal measures
Appendix 335