Page 25 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 25
The MND determined, among others, that even though the medical support activities were carried out
after the Armistice, Germany expressed its wish to provide support during the war; the hospital worked to
support the UN Forces rather than providing relief; the hospital operated as a subsidiary medical institution
under the UN Forces; and the list of materials and financial aid providers included countries who provided
support after the Armistice. Based on the above reasons, the MND decided to include Germany in the list of
medical support states during the Korean War.
5. Follow-Up
The MND decided to start honoring Germany as a Medical Support State in Korean War during the
veterans’ events and asked the cooperation from other ministries and institutions in indicating Germany as
a Medical Support State in the Korean War in military history records, other related records, and exhibits in
memorials and other venues. In keeping with the Ministry’s decision, the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans
Affairs honored Germany as a Medical Support State during the 68 anniversary ceremony for the Korean
War held on June 25, 2018, and the UN Forces Participation Day ceremony on July 27, 2018.
The MND will remain grateful for the dedication and sacrifice of the German Medical Service Group and
commemorate their deeds as a part of the nation’s history.
German flag raised on the 68 anniversary of the German flag raised during the UN Forces Participation
Korean War (June, 2018) Day event (July, 2018)
Special Appendix 4 Inclusion of Germany to the List of Medical Support States in the Korean War 327