Page 266 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 266

|  Developing Anti-Corruption Measures Based on Civil–Military Partnership  |     The
           MND is working toward anti-corruption measures, aimed at achieving corruption-free national
           defense, by expanding the people’s participation and monitoring of national defense policies

           and their implementations, and building an anti-corruption system based on civil–military
             The MND will continue to build an anti-corruption system that engages the private sector,

           such as the “Integrity Ombudsman” program, where civilian experts monitor and recommend
           the correction of corruption in the military; the “Civil–Public Council for Corruption-Free
           National Defense,” where the civil society provides advices on anti-corruption measures in the

           military; and the Anti-Corruption Policy Monitoring Group that engages citizens, and create
           corruption-free MOUs with anti-corruption civil groups aimed at spreading a corruption-free
           culture. In addition, for the systematic implementation of anti-corruption policies, the MND
           will retain the services of experts to assess the current direction of the MND’s anti-corruption

           policies and ref lect the f indings in its medium-/long-term plans.
             The MND also requires servicemembers across all services to receive anti-corruption education

           to raise their awareness of the value of corruption-free public service, and have servicemembers
           regard it as the basis for performing any duty. The MND has been ref ining the relevant
           regulations to protect whistle-blowers from personnel and f inancial retaliations, and requires all
           off icers to take classes on whistle-blower protection. Violators will be subject to strict measures

           pursuant to the relevant statutes, including those who sought out whistle-blowers, disclosed
           their personal information, or imposed disadvantageous measures against them, and whistle-
           blowers will be rewarded for their contribution, if any, to the development of national defense.

           |  Promoting Policy PR Activities  |    To meet the people’s expectation for participation and
           change, the MND is actively promoting its key policies, including Defense Reform 2.0, through

           various channels including the press, online spaces, and off-line activities.
             In particular, the MND has developed online and mobile press release (PR) contents to
           capitalize on their ever-growing inf luence for mutual communication with the people. The

           MND created various online contents on tasks of Defense Reform 2.0 such as the 2018–2022
           Framework Plan for Military Welfare, military medical reform, judicial reform, the 7  Seoul
           Defense Dialogue (SDD), the 70  ROK Armed Forces Day, and the 2018 International Fleet

           264    Chapter 6  Instilling a High-Morale Military Culture Trusted by the People
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