Page 25 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 25

the completion of the so-called “state nuclear capability” after launching various types of
                                                                                                         Chapter 1
               ballistic missiles, and conducting the sixth nuclear test on September 3, 2017. In the 2018 New
               Year’s address, Pyongyang argued for the justification of its “byungjin” policy of simultaneously
               developing its economy and nuclear weapons, highlighting the plan to mass-produce and deploy

               nuclear warheads and underscoring the necessity to bolster economic independence and improve
               the people’s living conditions.
                 Since the new strategic line of focusing all efforts on building a socialist economy was

               announced at the 3  Plenary Meeting of the 7  Party Central Committee on April 20, the
               regime has urged the people to make economic achievements with the leadership undertaking
               more visits to industrial sites and media outlets intensively covering subjects like self-reliance,

               science and technology, and the drive for an increased production.
                 North Korea is also attempting to end its isolation from the international community while
               seeking to strengthen the solidarity of the regime. On September 9, in celebration of the 70 th
               anniversary of its foundation, North Korea granted amnesty to prisoners for the f irst time in

               three years and held a large-scale military parade and the Mass Games performance and invited
               foreign high-ranking of f icials while attracting tourists through active international marketing.

               Meanwhile, concerned about the inf lux of foreign culture and the potential loosening of people’s
               ideological commitments due to strategic and policy change, Pyongyang is strengthening its
               propaganda campaign on the superiority of the socialist system.
                 North Korea is expected to continue its efforts to maintain the stability of the regime, improve

               its economy through institutional and legal reforms, and create a favorable external environment
               for itself. In pursuit of its goal to improve the living standards of its people, Pyongyang will
               likely use all available workforce and resources to generate economic achievements by 2020

               when the implementation of the five-year strategy for national economic development comes
               to an end. Moreover, to lay the groundwork for mid- and long-term economic growth based
               on development in science education, North Korea will likely strive to expand its science

               infrastructure and improve science education both qualitatively and quantatively.

               |  Inter-Korean Policy  |    North Korea has been attempting to induce changes in the ROK

               government’s North Korea policy by continuously professing the need to improve inter-Korean
               relations while simultaneously creating military tensions tailored for situational change and
               political objectives.

                                                      Section 3  North Korean Situation and Military Threats     23
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