Page 24 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 24

Section 3       North Korean Situation and

                           Military Threats

           Since the succession of power in 2011, North Korea has strived to gain the upper hand in inter-Korean relations
           and engaged in diplomacy in an attempt to end sanctions and isolation caused by its nuclear development.
           North Korea had continued its provocations in the forms of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) including
           nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, expanding its conventional forces, carrying out armed provocations in
           border areas, conducting cyberattacks, infiltrating small-sized drones. From 2018, however, Pyongyang has
           endeavored to re-establish its standing in the international community by advocating denuclearization of the
           Korean Peninsula and projecting a peaceful image through improved inter-Korean and foreign relations.

           1. North Korean Situation

           |  Internal Situation  |    Since the succession of power in 2011, North Korea has maintained the
           stability of the regime through reorganization and reshuff ling. The regime is seeking a strategic
           change by adopting a new strategic line in 2018 by focusing all ef forts on building a socialist

           economy, replacing the 2013 “byungjin” policy of simultaneously developing its economy and
           nuclear weapons.
             At North Korea’s 3  Conference of Party Representatives on September 28, 2010, the
           succession of power was made official. The succession occurred rapidly in accordance to the
           supreme leader’s f inal testament on December 17, 2011, and the regime sought stability by
           reshuff ling of the party, state, and military leadership. In May 2016, at the 7  Party Congress, the
           top decision-making organ of the Korean Workers’ Party was held, followed by the 4 session of
           the 13  Supreme People’s Assembly in June. During this period, the State Affairs Commission
           was newly established to replace the National Defense Commission, and the Chairman of the

           State Af fairs Commission was announced as the of f icial head of the regime, completing the
           institutional and legal governing framework for the regime change.
             The new regime focused on the enhancement of nuclear and missile capabilities, and declared

           22    Chapter 1  Changes and Challenges in the Security Environment
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