Page 157 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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interests including issues related to military meals, and cooperation in the field of ammunition.

               [ Chart 4-12 ]  Mutual Logistics Support Agreements Status

                             Nations That Have Concluded MLSAs with the ROK (Concluded Years)
                    United States (1988), Thailand (1991), New Zealand (2007), Turkey (2008), Philippines (2009), Israel/
                 Australia/Canada (2010), Indonesia/Singapore (2011), Cambodia/Spain/ United Kingdom (2012), Mongolia
                                          (2013), Germany (2016), Vietnam (2018)

                 In September 2017, the 46  Pacific Area Senior
               Of f icer Logistics Seminar (PASOLS) was successfully

               held in Seoul. The meeting contributed to the
               exchange of international logistics cooperation
               as 129 of f icials from 26 member states attended
               the meeting and held in-depth discussions on the                                          Chapter 4

               development of a multilateral logistics cooperation   The 46  Pacific Area Senior Officer Logistics
               system and logistics support measures in        Seminar (September 2017)

               international peacekeeping operations.
                 To enhance defense cooperation and vitalize defense exports, the MND is strategically
               transferring the military supplies that the ROK Armed Forces no longer uses to partner nations.
               In the past, it transferred military supplies mainly to Asian countries, but such transfer recently

               has been expanded to countries in South America and Af r ica. Transfer items are also diversifying
               from vessels, aircraft, and maneuvering and engineering equipment to f ire equipment and
               ammunition. The overview of transfers of military supplies is shown in [Chart 4-13].

               [ Chart 4-13 ]  Transfer of Military Supplies

                   Period            Regions                        Transferred Items
                  1993 -1999           Asia           Vessel, aircraft, vehicle, combat gear, and others

                                                      Vessel, aircraft, engineering equipment, maneuvering
                  2000 - 2009    Asia, South America
                                                      equipment, and others
                              Asia, South America, Africa,   Vessel, engineering equipment, maneuvering equipment,
                 2010 - Present
                                      Oceania         fire equipment, landing equipment, ammunition, and others

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