Page 119 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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with the expansion of the ballistic missile surveillance squadron, Patriot missiles upgrade, and

               the creation of the Cheongung and Long-Range Sur face-to-Air Missile (L-SAM) batteries. The
               plan for the reorganization of the Air Force’s unit structure is shown in [Chart 4-4].

               [ Chart 4-4 ]  Air Force Unit Structure Reorganization Plan Reorganization Plan

                              2018                                     Reorganization

                       Air Force Headquarters                      Air Force Headquarters

                 Air Force  Education    Direct               Air Force  Education    Direct
                 Operations  and Training  Logistics  Reporting  Operations  and Training  Logistics  Reporting
                 Command  Command  Command  Unit             Command  Command  Command  Unit

                 Air Combat   Air Mobile  Air Defense and  Air Combat  Air Mobile  Air Defense and  Air Defense
                  Command  Reconnaissance Command  Missile Command  Command  Reconnaissance Command  Missile Command  and Control
                 Air Defense and  Tactical Air  Aerial Intelligence  Tactical Air  Aerial Intelligence  Satellite Surveillance
                 Control Command  Control Wing  Wing   Control Wing  Wing  and Control Unit
                                                                                                         Chapter 4

               2. Reorganizing the Joint Units and Units Directly Controlled
                 by the MND

                 Joint units and units directly controlled by the MND will be restructured with the consideration
               of each unit’s ef fectiveness of duty execution and ef f iciency in organization and budget use.

               In case of the 27 units under the direct control of the MND, unnecessary administrative and
               support organizations will be downsized, and the civilian workforce will have a greater share in
               the ir workforce structures that have heavily relied on active duty personnel. Some units directly

               controlled by the MND will be merged or transferred to the service branches of the Armed
               Forces, with their expertise and characteristics developed to fit each branch.
                 The Defense Security Command has been recreated as the Defense Security Support

               Command, with its internal investigation and monitoring missions removed. The Armed Forces
               Medical Command will be restructured in accordance with the master plan for the armed
               services medical reform. Moreover, to cope with the growing threats to cybersecurity in the

               ROK and abroad, the Defense Cyber Command will be redesigned into the Cyber Operations
               Command, whose specialist workforce will be expanded and whose organization and mission-
               accomplishing capabilities will be reinforced.

                                        Section 1  Reorganizing the Unit Structure Using Advanced Technology     117
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