Page 118 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 118

|  Marine Corps  |    The Marine Corps will be transfor med into a marine–air–ground taskforce

           capable of executing various types of missions such as defending strategic islands and carrying
           out multidimensional, high-speed amphibious operations and rapid response operations. The
           Marine Corps Headquarters will create an Aviation Group and an intelligence battalion, capable

           of conducting military administration functions as well as carrying out and commanding
           combined and joint operations including amphibious operations. Furthermore, the marine and
           amphibious divisions will reorganize their regiments into brigade-level units with reinforced

           intelligence, maneuver, and f ire capabilities so that they can perform various types of missions
           as strategic task units. The plan for the reorganization of the Marine Cor ps’ unit structure is
           shown in [Chart 4-3].

           [ Chart 4-3 ]  Marine Corps Unit Structure Reorganization Plan

                             2018                                      Reorganization

                    Marine Corps HQ/Northwest                    Marine Corps HQ/Northwest
                    Islands Defense Command                      Islands Defense Command

              1 st    2 nd    6 th    9 th    Yeonpyeong  Education   1 st    2 nd    6 th    9 th    Yeonpyeong  Education
            Division Division Brigade Brigade  Unit  and Training  Division Division Brigade Brigade  Unit  and Training
                                            Group                                       Group
             Logistics  Intelligence  Special            Logistics  Intelligence  Special Search  Aviation
            Support Group  Unit  Search Unit            Support Group  Battalion  Battalion  Group

           |  Air Force  |    The Air Force will be reorganized to have a structure capable of strategic deterrence
           and aerospace operations. In line with the f ielding of intermediate and high-altitude reconnaissance
           unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic warfare aircraft, the Reconnaissance Wing, Electronic

           Warfare Group, and Surveillance Control Group will be formed. Moreover, in connection with
           the f ielding of an electro-optical satellite surveillance system, a Satellite Surveillance Control Unit
           will be launched to monitor satellite activities over the Korean Peninsula. To improve complex,

           broad-area, and multilayered defense, the Air Defense and Missile Command will be restructured

           2018 ROK
           Navy International Fleet Review

           116    Chapter 4  Building Elite Armed Forces Using Advanced Technology
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