Page 59 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 59

[ Chart 3-3 ]  Key Organizations and Assets of the Navy

                                                     Navy HQ

                                         Marine Corps HQ/Northwest Islands  Logistics  Education and
                                               Defense Command       Command     Traing Command
                     Fleet Commands  Submarine Force  Divisions (2),
                          (3)       Command     Brigades (2)

                                                        !"#$%&#'()*(+",(-!.  (
                              Surface    Amphibious  Mine warfare  Auxiliary
                   Troops    combatants    ships      vessels     vessels    Submarines   Aircraft
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
                 Approximately  Approximately  Approximately  Approximately  Approximately  Approximately  Approximately
                   70,000       100         10          10          20         10          70
               *  Around 29,000 troops of the Marine Corps are included.

                 Commander Republic of Korea Fleet has command authority over naval operations as a
               whole and conducts anti-surface, 4)  anti-submarine, 5)  mine and countermine, 6)  and amphibious
               operations. Fleet Commands defend their assigned areas by deploying surface combatants such as

               destroyers, frigates, patrol vessels, and patrol killer mediums. Submarine Force Command executes
               submarine operations. Marine Corps Headquarters is in charge of amphibious operations and

               the operation of the rapid response unit as well as the defense of its assigned areas and strategic
               islands. Northwest Islands Defense Command is responsible for security and defense missions
               regarding the northwest islands. Other commands are in charge of logistics support as well as
               education and training.

                 To ef fectively respond to various types of surface, underwater, and airborne threats, the Navy
               has acquired next-generation submarines, Aegis-class destroyers, next-generation destroyers,
               next-generation frigates, next-generation patrol killer mediums, maritime patrol aircraft, and

               maritime operations helicopters, and operates the multidimensional forces in an integrated

               4)  It’s operations are aimed at securing or maintaining maritime control and destroying or neutralizing the enemy’s
                  maritime surface forces using surface combatants, submarines, and aircraft.
               5)  It conducts operations to destroy or neutralize
                  the enemy’s submarines to defend freedom of
                  navigation in the maritime zones.
               6)  It also conducts operations consisting of interdicting
                  or neutralizing the enemy’s naval forces with the
                  help of mines, or repulsing the enemy’s attempts at   Navy   Commissioning ceremony for   Marine Corps
                                                                promotional   Navy submarines Jangbogo-III   promotional
                  using mines.                                     video   and Dosan Ahn Changho  video

                                                  Section 1  Establishing a Robust Military Readiness Posture     57
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