Page 56 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 56

Section 1       Establishing a Robust

                           Military Readiness Posture

           The ROK Armed Forces maintains a combined defense posture based on the robust ROK–U.S. Alliance that
           is capable of countering various local provocations and aggressions from North Korea. For effective crisis
           management, the ROK Armed Forces established an early warning posture, enhanced its crisis management
           system, and maintained a readiness posture against infiltration and provocations in the land, sea, and air of
           border areas. In preparation against a potential North Korean aggression, the ROK Armed Forces is maintaining
           a military readiness posture by developing wartime plans and enhancing its joint and combined operational
           capabilities to the maximum level. In addition, to bolster its war sustainment capabilities, the ROK Armed Forces
           maintains and acquires the necessary forces, equipment, and supplies.

           1. Military Organization and Forces

           |  Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  |    The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) commands and
           supervises the combat operation units of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and conducts joint

           and combined operations by commanding and supervising joint units. The JCS also carries
           out the civilian–government–military–police integrated defense operations and tasks associated
           with martial law.

             The JCS was set up and operated within the MND 1)  as a nonpermanent organization until
           it was of f icially established in 1963 under its current name. The JCS is operated through one
           Vice Chairman, four chief directorates and f ive of f ices under the Chairman of the JCS. The

           organization of the JCS is shown in [Chart 3-1].

           1)  Combined Chiefs of Staff Council in 1948, Joint Chiefs of Staff Council in 1954, and
              Combined Chiefs of Staff Bureau in 1961
                                                                                    ROK Armed Forces
                                                                                       Public service

           54    Chapter 3  Establishing a Robust Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security Threats
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