Page 197 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, and ambassadors of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan to

               the ROK. The of f  icials exchanged constructive views to promote peace and common prosperity
               in Eurasia, and decided to continue developing a sustainable defense exchange and cooperation
               platform for confidence building and the enhancement of bilateral relations.

               |  Middle East  |    The Middle East has signif  icant value as a major supplier of energy resources
               in the world. The ROK has strived to strengthen defense cooperation with countries in the

                 The ROK and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have developed their relationship in various
               areas, including economy, society, and culture, since the establishment of diplomatic relations

               in 1980. The two countries’ relationship was upgraded to a “strategic partnership” in 2009,
               and the ROK has been operating the Akh Unit in the UAE since January 2011 after obtaining
               the consent of the National Assembly. Their relationship was further elevated to a “special
               strategic partnership” in March 2018 when President Moon Jae-in and Crown Prince of Abu

               Dhabi Mohammed Al-Nahyan hosted a summit, and agreed to strengthen and expand bilateral
               cooperation with the creation of a foreign affairs and defense consultative body. In April 2018,

               the ROK Minister of National Defense visited the UAE with the Minister of the Defense
               Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and the President of the Agency for Defense     Chapter 5
               Development (ADD) to follow up on the summit. In addition to paying a visit to the crown
               prince, the ROK off  icials held a meeting with the UAE Minister of State for Defense, and

               agreed to bolster and expand bilateral defense cooperation and defense industrial cooperation.
               In October 2018, the UAE Undersecretary of Defense visited the ROK and held Vice-
               Ministerial talks as well as the 1  Foreign Affairs and Defense Meeting. In December, the UAE
               Minister of State for Defense visited the ROK and held defense ministerial talks with the ROK
               Minister of National Defense. Through such active mutual exchanges, the ROK and the UAE
               are maintaining stable cooperation.

                 In March 2017, during the ROK Vice Defense Minister’s visit to Egypt, the ROK and Egypt
               signed an MOU on defense cooperation and agreed to expand bilateral defense cooperation
               in various f ields including logistics and military education and training. In September 2017,

               Egypt’s Minister of Defense made an off  icial visit to the ROK and held bilateral talks with the
               ROK Minister of National Defense. Egypt’s Defense Minister expressed active support for the
               ROK’s policy toward North Korea, and the Defense Ministers of the two countries agreed on

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