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defense cooperation and defense industrial cooperation tailored to characteristics of each

           country in efforts to meet their respective security needs.
             In September 2017, at the 6  Vice–Ministerial Defense Strategic Dialogue, the ROK and
           Vietnam discussed senior off icial exchanges, peacekeeping operations, and promotion of

           maritime security cooperation. The two countries agreed on the need to enhance defense
           industrial cooperation and logistics cooperation to the level that matches their “strategic
           cooperative partnership.”

             In the same month, the ROK and Myanmar held vice–ministerial bilateral talks on the
           occasion of the Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD), and Myanmar became the 6  ASEAN member
           state to sign an MOU on defense cooperation with the ROK.

             In 2018, a greater emphasis was put on defense cooperation and defense industrial cooperation
           between the ROK and Southeast Asian nations after establishment of the “government-wide
           comprehensive plan to pursue New Southern Cooperation”.
             In late January 2018, while attending the Fullerton Forum 23)  in Singapore to deliver a keynote

           speech, the ROK Minister of National Defense hosted meetings with the Defense Ministers
           of Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand, and paid a visit to the President of Indonesia, Prime

           Minister of Singapore, and Prime Minister of Thailand. In 2018, the ROK government
           discussed bilateral coordination for multilateral security cooperation within the region as well
           as ways to bolster strategic cooperation, with Singapore, the 2018 chair of ASEAN. With
           Indonesia, whose relationship with the ROK was elevated to a “special strategic partnership”

           after President Moon Jae-in’s visit in November 2017, the ROK government explored ways to
           strengthen mutually benef icial cooperation in the f  ields of security and defense industry. In the
           ROK–Thailand Defense Ministerial Meeting that took place for the first time in 18 years to

           commemorate the 60  anniversary of diplomatic relations, both sides agreed to carry out close
           cooperation on vitalizing exchanges in the defense and defense industry sector.
             In March 2018, the ROK Minister of National Defense met with Singapore’s Defense

           Minister who visited the ROK to discuss the agenda for the upcoming ADMM-Plus. The two

           23)  A track 1.5 (government plus civilian participants) director general–level multilateral security consultative
               meeting known as the Shangri-La Dialogue Sherpa meeting established in 2002 by (under the supervision of)
               the United Kingdom’s International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the forum is participated by around 30
               countries from the Asia-Pacific region, including the ROK, the United States, China, Japan, and Russia, as well
               as the EU and NATO.

           190    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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