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command structure while maintaining the military defense posture under the current combined

               defense system.

               4. Strengthening the Spiritual Force Education

                for Servicemembers

               |  System and Current Status of Spiritual Force Education   |     To establish a sound
               perspective toward the homeland and national security in servicemembers, and arm them with a
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               soldierly mind-set and an unwavering resolve to prevail, the ROK Armed Forces is strengthening

               its spiritual force education.
                 With the goal of “Spiritual Armament before Combat Skills Learning,” the spiritual combat
               power education for newly enlisted soldiers focuses on turning the new enlistees into soldiers.
               They are educated with the curriculum focused on the subjects of military spirit, national vision,

               and security vision, while training programs and barracks life as a whole are used as platforms
               for spiritual education.

                 Spiritual force education for servicemembers is carried out in two dif ferent ways—school-
               based education and unit-level education. In case of school-based spiritual force education,
               to equip military off icers with the necessary capabilities, presentation- and discussion-oriented
               education and hands-on training for student-instructors have been strengthened.

                 For unit-level spiritual force education, intensive spiritual force education sessions are of fered
               mainly to commanding off icers on a daily, weekly, and half-year basis to bolster the spiritual
               readiness posture of troops. Educational effectiveness is amplified by experts through video

               lectures on dif ferent subjects via defense TV and IPTV 49) —a self-directed learning program
               that servicemembers voluntarily participate in—and on-site experiential and action-oriented
               education. Moreover, a newspaper-in-education (NIE) program and an education program that

               utilizes movies have been introduced as educational tools to nurture sound values and foster a
               strong military spirit in them.
                 To boost the effectiveness of spiritual education, diverse and creative content that can appeal

               49)  Interactive television service delivered over Internet Protocol networks

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