Page 110 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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the ROK-led theater-level combined exercise execution/performance capabilities have been

           improving with the ROK JCS taking the lead in planning, operation of opposing forces, and
           after-action review in the 2017 and 2018 KR exercises.
             The FE training is an ROK–U.S. combined field training conducted to cultivate operational

           capabilities to defend rear areas. Since 2002, the FE training was conducted together with the
           combined wartime augmentation exercise called the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement
           and Integration (RSOI) exercise 47)  to improve the eff iciency of the training and enhance combat

           power. As the RSOI exercise was renamed as the KR exercise in 2008, the combination of the
           RSOI and FE exercises is conducted under the new title of KR/FE exercise.
             The Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) exercise is an ROK–U.S. combined theater-level

           command post exercise aimed at enhancing the independent response capabilities of the ROK
           Armed Forces and the ROK–U.S. combined response capabilities. The UFG exercise also
           intends to enhance the warf ighting capabilities of the ROK–U.S. combined forces in the event
           of a full-scale war as well as improve proficiency with the warfighting system involving the

             In 2018, the Taegeuk Exercise conducted solely by the ROK Armed Forces replaced the

           UFG exercise considering the security situation. In 2019, combined exercises to prepare for
           wartime OPCON transition will be conducted with consultations between the ROK and the
           United States to improve the ROK Armed Forces’ operational capabilities and its ability to lead
           combined exercises.

             Since 2018, the ROK Armed Forces has implemented the Joint Training System (JTS)—a
           theater-level exercise and training system—in the headquarters of each service, operations
           commands, and joint units 48)  to establish systematic exercise and training management systems.

           In addition, various types of war-game models for joint and combined exercises have been
           developed and used to continuously enhance the ROK Armed Forces’ capabilities to lead
           combined exercises and develop effective ways to conduct combined exercise and training.

           Following the Conditions-Based OPCON Transition Plan, the ROK and the United States are
           striving to establish a new combined exercise foundation system incorporated with the future

           47)  Launched in 1994 to replace the Team Spirit training
           48)  The JTS was introduced to the JCS in 2012, the Operations Command in 2017, and the headquarters of each
               service branch and joint units in 2018.

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