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Shackle Terrorism, Korea-U.S. combined drill, working ‘hand in g...

Shackle Terrorism
Korea-U.S. combined drill, working ‘hand in glove’



White Tiger battalion, the 53rd Army Division, recently held a combined Korea-U.S. counter-terrorism training session at Busan Harbor.

Including soldiers from the initial action unit, the training session proceeded with about 60 soldiers from the ROK Army Military Police Special Duty Team and the military police group of the Naval Operation Command, as well as riot and strike policemen, the U.S. counter-terrorism protection manager, soldiers of the U.S. 188th unit of military police, and so on.

Prior to the training session, education was provided regarding recent trends in terror and TTPs (Terrorist Tactics, Techniques, Procedures), and the U.S. army’s combat actions were directed by the US counter-terrorism protection manager.

As well, procedural training using terror response steps followed; this was composed of overcoming mines, coping with a battle situation against terrorists, overcoming Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), and securing a building. For each section, the counter-terrorism protection manager made a hot wash-up. Based on his evaluation, all the participants established a combined Korea-US counter-terrorism posture, compensating for each other's shortcomings and sharing knowledge and opinions between the two nations.

Since the U.S. opposing forces were armed with weapons and equipment the terrorists actually use, they applied their current terror methods and tactics. In this way, the training session simulated actual warfare.

Lieutenant Colonel Jung Woo-geun, who participated in the training, said, “We both recognized terrorist threats and prepared ourselves for them through this training. This was a chance for us to promote our friendship and share combat skills between the Korean and U.S. armies, who will fight together in times of emergency.”

By Seok-Jong, Lee < >
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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)