Defense Policy

Improvement of Military Welfare

Military welfare that Corresponds to the level of National development
Following the enactment of the Framework Act on Military Welfare in March 2008, the Military Personnel Welfare Basic Plan was formulated in April 2009. The MND Is striving to establish a higher quality of Military welfare system for service-members In order to improve morale.

A happy soldier builds a strong army

Basic welfare – Laid the groundwork for basic welfare as a developed country(2012)

  • SalaryImproved the compensation system to reflect the characteristics of military service.
  • Housing supportImproved decrepit official residences (45%) and BOQs (43%), and increased the home-ownership ratio (2.99% > 50%).
  • Medical supportProvides a high quality medical service (with at least 80% of staff composed of specialists).
  • Career supportIncreased the employment rate (49% > 70%) of retired soldiers.
  • Enlisted welfare supportImproved beds of enlisted barracks from mattress type to bed type (1,084 blocks).

Family welfare – established a system for a healthy family community(2012)

  • Family community life supportEstablishes regional family support centers.
  • EducationSupports university tuition fees for at least 50% of the children of military families and provides dormitory housing for all children of military families
  • Development programs for children and youthDevelops children and youth programs, and run after-school programs for children from military families.
  • Special family support programProvides benefits for families with disabled or elderly members.

Cultural welfare – Provides cultural environments equivalent to those enjoyed by civilians(2012)

  • Fitness supportBuild all-weather gymnasiums for military bases (20% of total).
  • Recreation and leisure supportSupport the construction of integrated recreation facilities.
  • Cultural activity supportSupport tuition fees (70%) for night classes and universities.
  • Pension supportEnsure decent standards of life for ex-servicemembers.

Welfare infrastructure – Builds a welfare infrastructure for practial use(2012)

  • Improvement of welfare facilitiesIncreased tax-free products and civilian welfare facilities (condos, theme parks, etc.).
  • Improvement of funding managementExpand funding through efficient management.