Page 83 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Defense Reform 2.0 in terms of cybersecurity and incorporates policy tasks such
as developing a cybersecurity mission execution system, fostering specialized and
elite cyberwarfare professionals, advancing cyber-attack response capabilities, and
strengthening international cybersecurity cooperation.
In order to strengthen cyber-operation posture and effectively respond to
cybersecurity threats, the MND, in 2019, established a cyber-operation execution
system centered on the JCS and an organic cyber-operation control and reporting
system among the JCS, the Cyber Operations Command and each service. In Chapter 3
February of the same year, "the ROK Cyber Command" was reorganized to the
"Cyber-Operations Command" and was designated as a joint force to ensure the
command conditions of the Chairman of the JCS. Meanwhile, the MND reorganized
the "Cyber-Protection Center" of each service into "Cyber-Operations Center" and
reinforced its manpower thereby transforming the center into an organizational
structure suitable for conducting cyber-operations.
Developing Cybersecurity Cyber-operation is a field where opera-
Organizations and Training and tional capability is more dependent on the
Cultivating Cyber-Specialists expertise of the specialists than in other
battlefields. To enhance the expertise of
cyber-specialists, the MND is developing a comprehensive specialist management
system where "acquisition-training-appointment-promotion" is linked.
Having established a cyber-specialty for officers and noncommissioned officers
(NCOs) in 2019 and cyber-positions for the civilian military employees in 2020,
the MND has built a foundation for the stable acquisition and management of
cyber-specialists. By identifying the knowledge, skills, and literacy necessary for
cyber-task performance of the ROK Armed Forces, the MND will incorporate the
necessary competencies for each position into the "Defense Cyber-Task System"
and, based on this, plans to improve the qualification standards, career paths, and
education and training systems of national defense cyber-specialists.
Meanwhile, the education and training system to cultivate cyber-specialists was
also reorganized in line with the creation of cyber-specialties and positions. In 2020,
the MND reorganized the education system to gradually improve the operational
capabilities of cyber-specialists according to the type of cyber-operations and
the level of mission competency, and established an Officer Advanced Course in
addition to the Officer Basic Course–the mandatory remedial training course for
officers working in the cyber-field that has been in operation since 2016. The MND
will continue to develop substantial education and training programs in order
Chapter 3. Safeguarding Peace by Establishing a Robust Defense Posture Against Omnidirectional Security Threats