Page 76 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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including the Deterrence Strategy
                            Committee (DSC) and the Extended
                            Deterrence Strategy and Consultation
                            Group (EDSCG). The DSC–a deputy
                            ministerial-level regular consultative
                            body that meets biannually during the
                            Korea–US Integrated Defense Dialogue
                            (KIDD)–holds intensive discussions   Deterrence Strategy Committee (September 2019)
                            on various and substantial measures
                            to deter and respond to North Korean nuclear and missile threats. In particular, the
                            DSC has conducted a ROK–US Extended Deterrence Joint Study from 2018 to 2019
                            to derive substantial measures to strengthen the capabilities to deter and respond
                            to nuclear and missile threats. The joint study was approved by the 9th DSC held
                            in September 2019 and was reported to the 51st SCM in November 2019. The ROK
                            Minister of National Defense and the US Secretary of Defense assessed that the
                            ROK–US Extended Deterrence Joint Study contributed to strengthening extended
                            deterrence, and pledged to continue to explore jointly measures to enhance implement
                            the TDS while considering the effects of changes in the security environment on the

                            Korean Peninsula.
                             Also, in accordance with the DSC, the ROK and the US conduct an annual tabletop
                            exercise (TT )  regarding the use of extended deterrence means. In the 6th TT
                            held in February 2019, measures to increase the execution capability of the TDS
                            were discussed, focusing on six areas: planning, threat evaluation, regional security
                            cooperation, capability enhancement, strategic communications, and joint exercises.
                             Meanwhile, the EDSCG is a regular consultative mechanism jointly run by the two
                            countries’ defense and foreign affairs authorities. In principle, the high-level meeting
        19)                 of the EDSCG, attended by vice-ministerial-level officials, is held on a biennial
        A discussion-based
        exercise to discuss ways   basis, and its plenary session involving director general-level officials is organized
        for deploying means of
        US extended deterrence   every year. Through the EDSCG, the ROK and the US ensure that the means of
        in a particular simulated
        scenario (Table Top   extended deterrence are not limited to military (M) elements only, but are expanded
                            to encompass diplomatic, informational, and economic (DIE) elements, thereby
        20)                 amplifying their deterrence and response effects.
        The 2018 NPR is the fourth
        edition, and the previous   A key example of close policy coordination between the ROK and the US is the 2018
        editions were published
        in 1994, 2001, and 2010.   Nuclear Posture Review (NPR)  published in early February 2018. From the early
        The NPR contains the US
        president’s guidance on   stages of drafting the NPR, the MND presented the ROK’s opinions and discussed the
        the administration’s nuclear
        policies and strategies as   direction of the writing through multiple consultations with the US. As a result, the
        well as the nuclear force
        and posture.        US laid out clear objectives for North Korea’s denuclearization in the 2018 NPR and

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