Page 36 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 36

[Chart 1-6] Key Vessels and Surface-To-Ship Missiles of the North Korean Naval Force

                            Surface Combatants  Auxiliary Vessels  Submarines  Amphibious Vessels  Surface-To-Ship
                              Approx. 430   Approx. 40   Approx. 70   Approx. 250    Missiles

                            Air Force    The North Korean Air Force consists of five flight divisions, one
                                         tactical transport brigade, two air force sniper brigades, and air
                            defense units under the Air and Anti-Air Force Command .
                             The North Korean Air Force, with around 1,580 aircraft, has positioned its forces
                            in four different zones. North Korea is postured to attack quickly with minimal
                            preparation by deploying about 40% of its 810 combat mission aircraft south of the
                            Pyongyang-Wonsan Line, and has the ability to inf ltrate special warfare forces using
                            AN-2 and helicopters.
                             It is also continuing its efforts to improve the eff ciency and modernize its air force
                            by retiring old training aircraft, producing additional AN-2s and light aircraft and
                            field deploying them, and developing various reconnaissance and attack drones.

                            However, due to limitations in introducing new combat mission aircraft, its air
                            defense capability is being reinforced through the development and realignment of
                            new surface-to-air missiles.
        39)                  The North Korean air defense system, centered around the Air and Anti-Air Force
        The Air Force Command
        has been renamed the   Command, integrates aircraft, surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artilleries, and
        Air and Anti-Air Force
        Command in May 2012.  radar air defense units. SA-2  and SA-5  surface-to-air missiles are deployed in
        40)                 forward areas in the eastern and western regions, while SA-2 and SA-3  surface-
        A guided missile system
        for striking mid- to high-  to-air missiles and anti-aircraft artilleries are concentrated in the Pyongyang area
        altitude targets, with a
        maximum range of 56km  to form a densely layered air defense system. Moreover, it is assumed that the
                            North Korean Air Force has developed a variety of electronic jamming equipment,
        A guided missile system   including GPS jammers, as additional means for air defense.
        for striking high-altitude
        targets, with a maximum   A large number of radar air defense units such as ground-controlled interception
        range of 250km and
        that was developed to   bases and early warning bases are spread out across North Korea, enabling coverage
        complement the SA-2
                            of the entire Korean Peninsula. To increase the detection accuracy of radar air
        A guided missile system   defense units and reduce the response time, North Korea is currently setting up an
        for striking medium-
        range, low- to med-altitude   automated air defense command and control system. Key aircraft and surface-to-air
        targets, with a maximum
        range of 25km       missiles of the North Korean Air Force are as shown in [Chart 1-7].

              2020 Defense White Paper
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