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are used most frequently during military life, such as easy-wash water bottles
                            with enhanced thermal cooling functions and sleeping bags with improved filling
                             As for personal gears, in order to ensure that servicemembers in each battalion can
                            exercise their combat power to the fullest extent, the MND distributed a set of gears
                            including bulletproof vests and helmets, personal tents, and tactical backpacks and
        Military Meal       vests across all GOP divisions (combat units) by 2015. It plans to supply the set to
        Upgrade Project
                            all servicemembers by 2020. The MND is minimizing the overlapping of functions
                            between items caused by the practice of developing and improving items based
                            on single units, and is in the process of developing a clothing layering system  to
        Meals and clothing
        monitoring group    enhance both thermal and convenience functions even if clothing and gears are worn
        comprised of mothers
                            in layers.
        6)                   The MND will continue its efforts to develop and improve clothing and personal
        Clothing layering system,
        as the word "layering"   gears in a manner that reflects the future battlefield environment and improves the
        suggests, is a functional
        clothing system that   welfare of servicemembers, and will enhance the combat power of the military by
        prevents heat loss in
        humans due to weather   distributing improved clothing and personal gears early on.
        (temperature, wind,
        and rain) and physical
        conditions (sweat,
        breathing), among others.  Healthy and Safe Diet  The ROK Armed Forces provides safe, nutritious,
        7)                                           and balanced meals designed to maintain the health
        After referring to a research   and combat power of servicemembers. Considering the amount of daily activities
        conducted by KIDA,
        the nutrition standards   and energy consumption of servicemembers due to education and training, meals are
        for servicemembers
        were reset from 3,100   planned and provided based on a 3,000 kcal standard , which is higher than the
        kcal to 3,000 kcal after
        considering the changes in   regular adult standard of 2,600 kcal. In addition, the MND continues to raise the
        the physical conditions and
        military living conditions of   basic meal expenses  for servicemembers to provide them with high-quality meals
                            preferred by the new generation of servicemembers.
        Expenses purely incurred
        by food including main
        menus, side dishes, and   [Chart 7-6] Increase of Daily Basic Meal Expenses per Servicemember
                                                                        (As of December 2019, unit: KRW, %)
        9)                     Year     2015      2016     2017     2018      2019     2020
        Seasoned and stewed
        beef ribs, frozen fried rice   Unit price  7,190  7,334  7,481  7,855  8,012   8,493
        (japchae, whole shrimp),
        beef bulgogi rice with   Rate of   5.0    2.0       2.0      5.0      2.0       6.0
        sauce, sweet and sour   increase
        pork, chicken tenders, 6
        types of ramen with rice
        (snacks), peeled chestnut,   Meals are planned based on servicemembers’ preferences as identified through
        shine muscat, blueberry,
        honey, milk (side dish),   annual satisfaction surveys. In 2020, the MND increased the amount of food
        sea eel, freshwater snail,
        cockle, scallops, trout,   preferred by servicemembers, such as pork, ginseng chicken soup, duck meat, and
        Korean sandlance, dried
        pollack head, sand lance   beef ribs. In addition, more than 20 items, including sea eel, blueberry, and Shine
        extract, wild seafood pack,
        etc.                Muscat grapes, have been selected as new food items  through tasting events or test

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