Page 204 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 204
1 Developing a Mutually
Complementary and Robust
ROK-US Alliance
The ROK–US alliance is a key pillar of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and
in the region, and continues to develop into a comprehensive strategic alliance based
on common values and mutual trust. The ROK and the US have not only maintained a
robust combined defense posture for complete denuclearization and establishment of
permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula even during the process of exerting efforts to
ease tensions and build military confidence between the two Koreas, but also continued
to deepen and expand the scope and level of alliance cooperation. Through such
combined defense posture and alliance cooperation, the two countries are committed
to protecting the common national security interests and developing a robust ROK–US
alliance in a mutually complementary and future-oriented manner.
1. Continued Development of the ROK–US Alliance as a
Comprehensive Strategic Alliance
Over the past 67 years, the ROK–US alliance has not only defended the ROK from
external threats but also contributed greatly to the country’s development in politics,
economy, society, and culture.
Playing a key role in the defense of the Korean Peninsula, the ROK–US alliance
The highest level of the is contributing to stability, peace, and prosperity in Northeast Asia as well. At the
ROK–US bilateral security
consultative meeting ROK–US summit in June 2019, the leaders of the two countries assessed the ROK–
participated in by the
ROK Minister of National US alliance to be robust in all areas, not only in security but also in regional and
Defense, the US Secretary
of Defense, and senior (key) global issues, and agreed to continue their close cooperation, considering their
defense and foreign affairs
officials. alliance as a key pillar of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region. In addition,
the two leaders agreed to further strengthen their ROK–US alliance, keeping in mind
The highest level of the the history and spirit of the great alliance.
ROK–US bilateral military
consultative meeting Based on the agreement, the ROK MND and the US DoD discuss major policies,
between the JCS of the two
countries. manage alliance issues, and discuss ways to further develop the alliance through
3) various high-level security consultative meetings including the SCM , the MCM ,
First held in 2012, the
KIDD is an integration of and the KIDD .
various ROK–US defense
consultative meetings At the 52nd SCM held in October 2020, the defense authorities of the ROK and
for better efficiency and
effectiveness. the US reaffirmed the need for close collaboration and cooperation to achi-eve
2020 Defense White Paper