Page 156 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 156
[Chart 5-2] Integrated Support System for Victims of Sexual Violence
Category Consultation / Report Medical Treatment Law
• Defense Help Call / Gender
Equality Policy Division
(MND) • Mental Health Promotion Center of • Public defender
• Gender Equality Center in the Armed Forces Capital Hospital • Witness Support
Inside the each military * Hospital dedicated to provide Officer(accompanied
• Counselors for sexual medical support for victims of with trusted person)
grievances (Corps level) sexual violence
• Director for gender equality
(Division level)
• Sunflower Center (31 centers): Counseling, medical treatment (fees incurred for some
Outside the treatments), free legal support
• Sexual violence counseling centers (168 counseling centers nationwide)
Expansion of Essential The MND is also expanding the essential facilities
Facilities for Female for women (restrooms, shower rooms, etc.) in each
Servicemembers service following the increase in the number of
female servicemembers due to the abolition of
limitation of female servicemember deployments to certain units and positions,
increased number of newly commissioned female officers and the expansion in
selection of female servicemembers for long-term service. After identifying the
requirements for expansion through a complete enumeration survey of women̕s
essential facilities and gender impact assessment, MND installed 121 buildings in
the units that were not equipped with essential facilities for women in 2019. A total of
210 independent rooms were also provided for the heads of guard posts in the ROK
Army’s general post (GOP).
By 2021, the MND plans to build essential facilities for women in all military units
that female servicemembers can serve at. (Army and Marine Corps: independent
platoon level and higher; Navy and Air Force: battalion level and higher).
The MND also strives to improve the service conditions for female cadres whose
numbers are gradually increasing through focused efforts on improving the aging
cadre quarters and supplementing the shortage of quarters.
Essential facilities for female Essential facilities for female GOP guard post toilet
servicemembers (outside) servicemembers (inside)
2020 Defense White Paper