Page 129 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 129
H Korea Disaster Relief Team 92, 249
Hanbit Unit 229, 241, 242, 243, 244, 255, 256, Korea Marine Exercise Program 111
257, 351, 419 (KMEP)
HEU 35, 365, 382, 383 Korea–US Integrated Defense 74, 202, 214
HGV 19 Dialogue (KIDD)
Hoguk Training 112, 394
HUAV 133, 193 L
Hwarang Training 99, 112, 394
Land Partnership Plan (LPP) 206
I life cycle of defense resources 55
live, virtual, constructive (LVC) 55, 140
infectious disease hospitals 90, 349 training system
Initial Operational Capability (IOC) 113, 212, 398, 406 long-range surface-to-air missiles 123, 195
Integrated Defense Committees 96, 97, 98, 99, 433 (L-SAMs)
integrated disaster management 45, 91
intercontinental ballistic missiles 17, 366
(ICBMs) MCM 202, 205, 395, 398, 400, 403, 405,
Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office 388 406, 408, 409
Inter-Korean joint remains 373 Military Demarcation Line (MDL) 306, 308, 315, 321, 367
recovery Military Pension System 296,
Intermediate-Range Nuclear 11, 15 military service credit 270
Forces Treaty (INF) mixed reality 145
International Maritime Defense 85, 186 MND Agency for KIA Recovery
Industry Exhibition (MADEX) and Identification 422
International Maritime Security 248 Mothers’ Monitoring Group 274
Construct (IMSC) MUAV 133, 195
International Peace Support 252, 255 Multiple Integrated Laser 107, 141
Standby Force (IPSSF) Engagement System (MILES)
Internet of Everything (IoE) 146 multiple launch rocket system 63, 64, 66, 133, 134, 358
Internet of Things (IoT) 56, 142, 143, 146, 197 (MLRS)
muscle-assisted robots 144
J Mutual Defense Treaty between 66, 203, 207, 404, 427
the United States of America and
the Republic of Korea
Joint Comprehensive Plan of 12
Action (JCPOA)
National Competency Standards 295, 296
KCTC 106, 107 (NCS)
KF-X 132, 133, 135 National Defense Authorization 17, 18
Khaan Quest 111 Act (NDAA)
Korea Air and Missile Defense 76, 134, 195 National Defense Help Call Center 267
(KAMD) National Defense Strategy (NDS) 14, 16
Korea Air Defense Identification 216, 218 national security diagnosis 86
Zone (KADIZ) National Security Strategy (NSS) 14, 16, 42, 43, 48, 50
Korea Arms Control Verification 79, 422 NATO 12, 219, 224, 227
Agency New START (US–Russia Strategic 15
Arms Reduction Treaty)