Page 12 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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the 70th anniversary of the Korean War. The
"Flame of Memory” symbolizes a sense of
gratitude for war veterans and the resolve to
remember their sacrifices, whereas the
"Torchlight of Peace and Prosperity" represents
hope that a small flame would turn into a large
torchlight, transforming the wounds of war into
peace and prosperity. Government emblem marking the 70th anniversary of the
Korean War
3. Organization
The 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Project is divided into Victory Events, Events for Patriots and
Veterans, Culture/Arts Events, and Peace Experience Events, with a total of 15 project tasks. In detail,
the Victory Events primarily consist of celebrating the three victories and hands-on experience of major
battles through virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), whereas the Events for Patriots and
Veterans are composed of the following four tasks: a memorial ceremony for the fallen heroes (return of
the remains); local appreciation events for UN war veterans; a memorial exhibition for female war
veterans and commemorative events; and events for the remembrance and appreciation of the ROK–US
alliance. The Culture/Arts Events consist of six tasks: a special exhibition on the Korean War, academic
conferences, literary activities for national defense, a production and performance of an original military
musical, a production of 70th-anniversary badges, and storytelling hologram performance of the Korean
War. Meanwhile, the Peace Experience Events have three tasks: Footsteps of the Youth Toward Peace,
a survival competition, and a ROK–US Taekwondo event.
4. Major Projects
| Victory Event | Victory Events were held to commemorate the victory in three major battles of the
Korean War that tipped the balance on the battlefield. These events were planned alongside local
festivals to express gratitude to war veterans. However, with the restriction on social gatherings due to
COVID-19, the events were replaced by informal events primarily focused on ceremonies and paying of
respects (pagodas and stone monument for the fallen). The victory ceremony was also replaced with a
commemorative video clip of commanders from foreign militaries that fought in the Korean War, which
2) Three major victory events: Incheon Landing (September), Nakdong River Defense Line Battle (October), and Battle of
Chuncheon (November)
2020 Defense White Paper