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counter CBRN threats, CBRN related accidents and terrorism as well as infectious
                            diseases, and a close cooperation system with the relevant agencies.
                             In response to situations such as African Swine Flu (ASF), hazardous chemical
                            spills, and COVID-19 , the ROK Armed Forces will immediately deploy available
                            forces including CBRN units to protect the safety and property of the people and will
                            make every effort to support early damage recovery.

                            [Chart 3-8] Support from CBRN Units
                                                                          As of November 2020 (unit: cases)
                                                       Foot-and-Mouth            Other (Forest Fire,
                             Year  Total  ASF  Avian Influenza     Chemical Accidents
                                                          Disease                  Water Supply)
                             2018  2,129  None  802        120           13          1,194
                             2019  4,434  2,103  394       376           71          1,490
                             2020  2,854  2,263  246       None          82           263

                             In addition, the ROK Armed Forces
                            continues to conduct civilian–govern–
                            ment–military–police integrated exe-
                            rcises in conjunction with the Safe
                            Korea Exercise and the Hwarang Exer-
                            cise to improve the ability to respond to
                            CBRN at the pangovernment level. At
                            the same time, the ROK Armed Forces   Quarantine support in response to COVID-19 (March
                            actively participates in bioterrorism   2020)

                            response training events and evaluation conferences organized by the Korea Disease
                            Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) and in the joint training for national
                            radiological disaster prevention organized by the Nuclear Safety and Security
                            Commission (NSSC) to enhance civilian–governmen–military–police integrated
                            response capabilities.
                             The ROK Armed Forces will thoroughly maintain its military readiness posture
                            against North Korea’s CBRN threats and will further strengthen the cooperation
                            system with relevant agencies to respond to transnational and nonmilitary threats
                            that may hinder the safety of the people.

        Quarantine support in   Strengthening ROK–US Alliance and   The ROK Armed Forces continues
        response to COVID-19
        (February 24 – November   International Cooperation     to enhance the ability to respond to
        30, 2020): 3,351 times
        (31,611 people, 24,062                                  CBRN threats through cooperation
        units of decontamination
        equipment)          with allies. Since 1997, the ROK MND and the US Department of Defense (DoD)

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