Page 435 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 435

Promulgation No.
                           Title                                    Main Contents
                                                   •  In order to enhance the capability of the Minister of DAPA to perform
                      Enforcement Decree of   Partial Amendment   defense force enhancement projects and to improve the transparency and
                      the Defense Acquisition   No. 30814   efficiency in the procurement of military supplies, prepare the grounds for
                         Program Act   (July 1, 2020)  the Minister of the DAPA to entrust part of the force support system among
                                                    the military supplies to the head of the Public Procurement Service
                                                   •  With the amendment to the Military Personnel Management Act, reorganize
                                                    the relevant regulations and require the disciplinary committee that reviews
                      Decree on Disciplinary   Partial Amendment
                      Action Against Military   No. 30880  sexual violence crimes or sexual harassment to, in principle, include at least
                                                    1/3 of members whose gender is identical to the victim, so as to establish
                          Personnel    (July 28, 2020)
                                                    the grounds for operating the disciplinary committee and the appellate
                                                    review committee by means of video teleconference
                      Enforcement Decree of        •  Require the disciplinary committee for civilian military employees, which
                        the Act on the   Partial Amendment   reviews sexual violence crimes or sexual harassment to, in principle, include
                      Management of Civilian   No. 30881  at least 1/3 of members whose gender is identical to the victim, so as to
                      Personnel in the Military   (July 28, 2020)  establish the grounds for operating the disciplinary committee and the
                          Service                   appellate review committee by means of video teleconference
                                                   •  Set matters delegated under the Military Personnel Management Act and
                                                    other matters necessary for implementation thereof, such as deleting the
                                                    provisions on the establishment of the General and Central Committees for
                      Enforcement Decree of   Partial Amendment   Examination of Killed or Wounded in Action and Death or Injury in the Line
                      the Military Personnel   No. 30891
                       Management Act  (August 4, 2020)  of Duty which have been upgraded according to the amendment of the Act,
                                                    and where the war-wounded, etc. has applied for the disclosure of the
                                                    minutes of the general or central committee meeting, mandating such
                                                    disclosure within 3 days
                      Enforcement Decree of        •  With the enactment of the Special Act for the Support of Korean Workers in
                      the Special Act for the   Enactment No.
                       Support of Korean   30945    the United States Forces Korea, set matters delegated under the Act and
                      Workers in the United   (August 19, 2020)  other matters necessary for implementation thereof, such as the specific
                                                    selection criteria and payment methods as to the relevant fund
                       States Forces Korea
                                                   •  In order to allow each service to carry out professional educational tasks
                                      Partial Amendment   that meet the characteristics thereof, delete the provisions regarding Army
                      Decree on Joint Forces   No. 30963  College, Navy College, and Air Force College that had been under the
                       Military University
                                      (August 25, 2020)  control of the Joint Forces Military University and place each college under
                                                    the respective service
                                                   •  With the amendment to the Military Service Act, add the status of any
                                                    human rights violation to matters requiring fact-finding survey in relation to
                                      Partial Amendment
                      Enforcement Decree of   No. 31058  the onboard ship reserve service and require the head of a shipping
                                                    company to attach a pledge for faithful implementation of the agreed-upon
                      the Military Service Act  (September 29,   working conditions when submitting the application of transfer to the
                                                    onboard ship reserve service to the head of the competent regional military
                                                    manpower office
                                                   •  Among the members of the Regional Integrated Defense Committees,
                                                    designate the head of the regional military manpower administration or the
                                                    head of the military manpower branch office and head of the fire & disaster
                                      Partial Amendment
                      Enforcement Decree of   No. 31092  headquarters or head of the fire department as the previous head of the
                      the United Defense Act        regional military manpower office considering the formation or roles of the
                                      (October 7, 2020)
                                                    organization; for the practical protection of key national facilities, require the
                                                    manager of the facilities, vice commander of the local unit, and chief of the
                                                    police station to sign jointly a guard agreement regardless of jurisdiction
                                                   •  Where a servicemember in full-time reserve service or on active duty suffers
                                                    from illness or injury in the process of education or trainings during the
                                                    period of service and receives treatment at a civilian medical institution,
                      Enforcement Decree of   Partial Amendment
                      the Military Healthcare   No. 31122  establish the grounds for the Minister of National Defense to purchase
                                                    insurance to cover such treatment expenses; while entrusting tasks such as
                            Act       (October 27, 2020)
                                                    insurance subscription and termination to the Military Mutual Aid
                                                    Association, establish the grounds for using the personal information held
                                                    by the MMA to process the relevant tasks

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