Page 429 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 429

Promulgation No.
                            Title                                    Main Contents
                                      Partial Amendment  •  As the change in the name of military police into a natural Korean
                        Military Court Act  No. 16926  expression that clearly reflects their mission is being promoted, reorganize
                                      (February 4, 2020)  the relevant regulations
                      Act on the Execution of      •  In order to improve the human rights of servicemembers, abolish the
                      Criminal Penalties in the   Enactment No.   confinement facilities among the types of disciplinary action against
                      Armed Forces and the   16929  servicemembers; to replace them, however, reorganize the Act by adding
                       Treatment of Military   (February 4, 2020)  military discipline training and reducing salaries as the types of disciplinary
                          Inmates                   action
                      Act on the Development   Enactment No.   •  Separate the parts related to the development of the defense industry from
                       and Support of the   16929   the Defense Acquisition Program Act to enact this Act and prescribe
                        Defense Industry  (February 4, 2020)  matters necessary for the development and support of the defense industry
                                                   •  As technological development continues to gain momentum due to the
                                                    Fourth Industrial Revolution, etc., innovation and development are also
                                                    required in the field of defense science and technology, but research and
                      Act on the Promotion of   Enactment No.   development under the current Defense Acquisition Program Act are
                      Innovation in Defense   17163 (March 31,   focused on the means for obtaining weapons systems. As a result, the
                     Science and Technology  2020)  research and development system for the promotion and development of
                                                    defense science and technology is insufficient; thus, lay the foundation for
                                                    promoting challenging and innovative defense R&D projects by enacting
                                                    this Act
                                                   •  In order to implement the programs on terminal sewage treatment and
                                                    wastewater treatment pursuant to the Act on Acquisition of and
                       Protection of Military   Partial Amendment
                      Bases and Installations   No. 17164   Compensation for Land, Etc. for Public Works Projects in the Flight Safety
                                                    Zone 1, establish the grounds for allowing the installation of facilities and
                            Act        (March 31, 2020)
                                                    appurtenances thereof laid underground through consultation with the
                                                    commander of the jurisdictional unit
                                                   •  While enacting the Act on the Promotion of Innovation in Defense Science
                                      Partial Amendment
                       Defense Acquisition   No. 17165   and Technology to systematically and continuously promote R&D for the
                         Program Act                innovation of defense science and technology, delete and amend the
                                       (March 31, 2020)
                                                    pertinent details stipulated in this Act
                                                   •  Reduce the service period of servicemembers on active duty in the Air
                                                    Force by one month, strengthen the surveys on the status of onboard ship
                                      Partial Amendment   reserve service with shipping companies, etc., require the head of a
                       Military Service Act  No. 17166   shipping company, etc. to submit a pledge to fulfill the working conditions
                                       (March 31, 2020)  that will enhance protection of the rights of onboard ship reserve service,
                                                    thereby improving some shortfalls found in the operation of the current
                                                   •  As Korean workers go on unpaid leave due to the delayed settlement of the
                                                    Agreement Between the United States and the Republic of Korea
                                                    Concerning Special Measures Related to Article V of the Agreement Under
                                                    Article IV of the Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and the
                       Special Act for the
                       Support of Korean   Enactment No. 17266   Republic of Korea, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of the
                      Workers in the United   (May 19, 2020)  United States Armed Forces in the Republic of Korea, the status and life of
                                                    Korean workers affiliated with the USFK were put in an unstable situation.
                       States Forces Korea
                                                    Therefore, formulate systematic and specific support measures for Korean
                                                    workers affiliated with the USFK who are on unpaid leave so as to create a
                                                    legal basis that will minimize the threat to their livelihood and disadvantages
                                                    in their lives
                                                   •  Increase the safeguard for the human rights of servicemembers in the
                                                    military criminal proceedings while reflecting the key amendments made to
                                                    the recently amended Criminal Procedure Act by means such as allowing
                                      Partial Amendment   the military prosecutor to select a public defender for the victim of a crime
                        Military Court Act  No. 17367   that has occurred among servicemembers and civilian workers in the
                                       (June 9, 2020)  military and extending the period of filing an application for adjudication for
                                                    appeals proceedings of the plaintiff or complainant against the disposition
                                                    not to institute public action by the military prosecutor to up to 30 days
                                                    from the date of receipt of the disposition

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