Page 409 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 409

13. The Secretary and the Minister decided to continue strengthening cooperation in various areas,
                     including space and cyber, in order to ensure an effective response against newly emerging threats and
                     to bolster comprehensive Alliance response capabilities. The Secretary and the Minister acknowledged
                     the efforts of the respective defense authorities working to promote critical infrastructure, including
                     information and space systems, and to improve the security of such systems. The two sides expressed
                     their shared goal of fostering closer space policy development for the Alliance. The two sides pledged to
                     explore further cooperative measures to strengthen space capabilities as an Alliance, such as improving
                     space situational awareness information-sharing systems, and expanding bilateral and multilateral
                     combined exercises and training events to improve the Alliance space operation capabilities. The
                     Secretary and the Minister also committed to exploring opportunities to develop space professionals.
                     The two sides committed to maintain close communication and coordination regarding the cyber domain
                     through sharing trends of cyber threats as well as discussing corresponding policy changes. They also
                     concurred in the need for exchanges between the respective cyber commands with the aim of
                     discussing and promoting mutual interests.

                     14. The Secretary and the Minister reaffirmed their commitment to advancing Alliance priorities and
                     plans in the areas of capability development, interoperability, acquisition, and sustainment by more
                     effectively leveraging US–ROK consultative bodies and activities that address defense research and
                     development, as well as industrial cooperation, capability acquisition, life cycle logistics, and technology
                     security. The two sides also pledged to pursue expeditiously revisions of bilateral consultative bodies
                     while continuing to coordinate objectives and activities across these areas to provide timely and
                     integrated capability solutions to Alliance requirements.

                     15. The Secretary and the Minister also noted that US–ROK science and technology cooperation has
                     expanded in several domains such as cyber defense, artificial intelligence, automation, and directed
                     energy. The two sides assessed that such cooperation is continuing to develop in a way that furthers
                     US–ROK mutual interests.

                     16. The Secretary and the Minister pledged to continue enhancing defense and security cooperation to
                     address wide-ranging global security challenges of mutual interest given the complex security dynamics
                     in the region and around the world. In that sense, they also emphasized the need to seek synergies in
                     US and ROK regional strategies. The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of the rules-based
                     international order and adherence to international rules and norms, including those of freedom of
                     navigation and overflight. They further expressed their intent to work together for that purpose. They also
                     reiterated their commitment to peacekeeping operations (PKO), counter-piracy operations, stabilization
                     and reconstruction efforts, regional security cooperation initiatives, and humanitarian assistance and

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