Page 402 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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ROK–US–Japan trilateral cooperation such as high-level policy consultations, combined exercises,
            information-sharing, and personnel exchanges. The two sides also pledged to seek ways to expand
            such efforts into multilateral regional cooperation to promote peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

            20. The Minister and the Secretary reaffirmed that an expeditious approach to USFK base relocation
            and returns is in the interest of both countries and pledged to work together closely on relevant matters
            including environmental conditions to ensure timely base returns in accordance with the US–ROK Status
            of Forces Agreement (SOFA). With regard to the four installations that require an expeditious approach
            for returns, the Minister and the Secretary commended the efforts to discuss various measures through
            the SOFA channel. The Minister and the Secretary also reaffirmed their intent to continue to discuss
            relevant issues through regular consultations in accordance with the SOFA in order to reach mutually
            acceptable solutions. The two sides also noted that the responsibility to restore the facilities and areas
            should be determined pursuant to agreements between the two countries and committed to enhance
            transparency regarding release of relevant information.

            21. The Minister and the Secretary shared the view that ensuring continuous training opportunities for
            USFK is an essential element to maintaining a strong combined defensive posture. They also concurred
            in the importance of communication and cooperation between the ROK Ministry of National Defense and
            the USFK to strengthen civilian–military engagement with local civilians to allow for more effective joint
            usage of training ranges and to ensure combined live-fire training conditions to sustain the combined
            defense posture.

            22. The Secretary offered his appreciation for the ROK’s contributions toward ensuring a stable
            stationing environment for US forces in Korea while emphasizing the importance of defense cost sharing.
            The Minister and the Secretary noted that the Special Measures Agreement (SMA) has greatly
            contributed to strengthening US–ROK combined defense capabilities and recognized the desire to
            conclude the 11th SMA before the expiration of the 10th SMA. Furthermore, the two sides shared the
            understanding that future SMA contributions must be set at a fair and mutually agreeable level.

            23. Minister Jeong and Secretary Esper expressed appreciation for the courtesy, hospitality, and work
            by both sides that contributed to the success of this year’s SCM. The Minister and the Secretary affirmed
            that the discussions during the 51st SCM and the 44th MCM contributed substantively to strengthening
            the ROK–US Alliance and further enhanced the development of the bilateral defense relationship into a
            mutually reinforcing Alliance. Both sides expect to hold the 52nd SCM and 45th MCM in Washington,
            D.C., at a mutually convenient time in 2020.

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