Page 393 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 393

North Korea            Date              South Korea
                     North Korea holds military parade celebrating the
                     foundation of the Workers’ Party of Korea  October
                     *  (Voice speech) Lauds the efforts of the Korean People’s   10, 2020
                     Army; sends a message of appeasement to the ROK
                                                       October 14  The ROK and the US hold the 52nd SCM (Washington,
                                                        - 15, 2020  D.C.)
                     Korea Central News Agency expresses its position one
                     month after its expression of regret over "the death of a
                     ROK citizen in the West Sea" (September 25)  October
                     *  “...South Korea is primarily responsible for the   30, 2020
                     unfortunate event...our position is to hope that the
                     unpleasant precedent that caused the North and South
                     relations to deteriorate will not happen again”

                                                               Minister of Unification delivers congratulatory remarks at
                                                               the opening ceremony of the Panmunjom Tour Support
                                                        November  Center
                                                        4, 2020  *  “...proposed to North Korea the restoration of inter-
                                                               Korean communications and Joint Liaison Office and the
                                                               reunion of separated families”
                                                               President Moon delivers a keynote speech at the Jeju
                                                               Peace Forum
                                                        November   *  “...the determination of the two Koreas and multilateral
                                                        6, 2020  cooperation will bring peace on the Korean Peninsula
                                                               and contribute to world peace. A multilateral peace
                                                               regime is an essential spirit for establishing peace on the
                                                               Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia”

                                                               President Moon’s remarks at a senior aides’ meeting
                                                        November   *  “...we are ready to make active efforts for establishing
                                                               peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, along
                                                        9, 2020
                                                               with building a community for life and safety”

                     North Korea publishes a photo book that summarizes   November
                     the weapons systems developed after Chairman Kim   24, 2020
                     took office

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